We will use Ethereum as an example to walk you through the steps required to build a serverless blockchain analysis pipeline on AWS.
- Deploy an Ethereum full node on the Amazon EC2 Graviton instance to synchronize Ethereum blockchain mainnet data.
- Use Ethereum ETL to extract block, transaction and other data to Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
- Use AWS Lambda to process the data and write it to another Kinesis Data Stream.
- Ingest data from Kinesis Data Streams into Amazon Redshift Serverless in real time for analysis through the feature streaming ingestion.
- Visualize data with Amazon QuickSight.
- EC2 Graviton
- Kinesis Data Stream
- RedShift Serverless
- QuickSight
- Lambda
Ethereum from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) on September 2022. In order to deploy full nodes we need both execution client and consensus client.
- Instance Type : m6g.2xlarge
- OS: Ubuntu 20 TSL
- Geth : v1.11.6 stable-ea9e62ca-linux-arm64
- Lighthouse : lighthouse-v4.1.0-aarch64-linux-gnu 1.1 execution client: Geth
Installing Geth on Ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install ethereum -y
Start Geth process
/usr/bin/geth --authrpc.addr localhost --authrpc.port 8551 --authrpc.vhosts localhost --authrpc.jwtsecret /tmp/jwtsecret --syncmode snap --http --http.api personal,eth,net,web3,txpool --http.corsdomain *
1.2 consensus client:lighthouse
cd ~ curl -LO https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse/releases/download/v4.0.1/lighthouse-v4.0.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
tar -xvf lighthouse-v4.0.1-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz`
Start Lighthouse process
lighthouse bn --network mainnet --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551 --execution-jwt /tmp/jwtsecret --checkpoint-sync-url=https://mainnet.checkpoint.sigp.io --disable-deposit-contract-sync
1.3 interacting with the Geth
geth attach <datadir>/geth.ipc
1.4 check eth.syncing status
1.5 eth.syncing
When the synchronization is complete, the terminal can query the last blocknumber
> eth.blockNumber
2.1 Create Kinesis Data Streaming
- Create Kinesis
- blockchain-kinesis-t
- blockchain-kinesis 2.2 Process data using lambda(python 3.8)
import json
import time
import base64
import boto3
import datetime;
kinesis_client = boto3.client('kinesis')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
start_time = time.time()
for record in event['Records']:
#Kinesis data is base64 encoded so decode here
b_value = json.loads(payload)
pk = str(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp())
print ("pk is " + str(pk))
result_event = json.dumps(b_value).encode('utf8')
package_data = {'Data' :result_event,'PartitionKey':pk}
response = kinesis_client.put_records(
Installing Ethereum ETL
sudo apt install python3-pip
Extract data from nodes to Kinesis using EthereumETL
2.2 Ethereum ETL
- Extract data to kiniesis
ethereumetl stream -e block,transaction,token_transfer --start-block 17277219 \ --provider-uri file:///home/ubuntu/.ethereum/geth.ipc \ --output=kinesis://blockchain-kinesis-t
3.1 Create a materialized view for streaming ingestion Create an external schema to map the data from Kinesis Data Streams to an Amazon Redshift :
IAM_ROLE 'arn:aws:iam::0123456789:role/blockchain-ana-redshift-role'
Create the materialized view for data ingestion
SELECT approximate_arrival_timestamp,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'type')::TEXT as type,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'number')::BIGINT as number,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'hash')::TEXT as hash,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'parent_hash')::TEXT as parent_hash,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'nonce')::TEXT as nonce,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'sha3_uncles')::TEXT as sha3_uncles,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'logs_bloom')::TEXT as logs_bloom,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'transactions_root')::TEXT as transactions_root,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'state_root')::TEXT as state_root,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'receipts_root')::TEXT as receipts_root,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'miner')::TEXT as miner,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'difficulty')::NUMERIC(38) as difficulty,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'total_difficulty')::NUMERIC(38) as total_difficulty,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'size')::BIGINT as size,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'extra_data')::TEXT as extra_data,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'gas_limit')::BIGINT as gas_limit,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'gas_used')::BIGINT as gas_used,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'timestamp')::INT as timestamp,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'transaction_count')::BIGINT as transaction_count,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'item_id')::TEXT as item_id,
JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'item_timestamp')::TEXT as item_timestamp
FROM kdsblockchain."blockchain-kinesis" where JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(FROM_VARBYTE(kinesis_data, 'utf-8'),'type') in ('block');
Data is ingested to RedShfit using Redshfit Stream Ingestion
3.3 Query Data through Redshfit Query editor
- Current block height.
- Popular erc20 addresses in time window.
- Blocks per minute and gas consumption.
- top 10 transfer out address.
- top 10 transfer in address .