Trust0 is contributing to the Hyperledger Identus community open source code by creating RIDB. RIDB is a rust based, light weight wasm package for nodejs and browsers to build databases for the web.
We extract the schemas, database structure and migrations paths of existing SDK in order to make sure everyone can transition from pluto-encrypted to this project with minimal changes.
npm i @trust0/identus-store --save
or with yarn:
yarn add @trust0/identus-store
In order to use RIDBStore inside the Hyperledger Identus TS SDK you just need to initialise the Store before passing it to the Pluto constructor.
import SDK from '@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk';
import {RIDBStore} from '@trust0/identus-store'
const apollo = new SDK.Apollo();
const store = new RIDBStore({
const defaultSeed = apollo.createRandomSeed().seed //
const castor = new SDK.Castor(apollo)
const agent = await SDK.Agent.initialize({
pluto: new SDK.Pluto(store, apollo),
seed: defaultSeed
Here's the main compliant SDK.Pluto.Store interface implementation
import { BaseStorage, QueryType, SchemaType, StorageType } from '@trust0/ridb';
import SDK from '@hyperledger/identus-edge-agent-sdk';
export declare class RIDBStore implements SDK.Pluto.Store {
private options;
private _db;
private extractCollections;
constructor(options: {
dbName: string;
storageType?: typeof BaseStorage | StorageType;
password?: string;
private parseName;
query(table: string, query?: QueryType<any>): Promise<any[]>;
insert<T extends SDK.Domain.Pluto.Storable>(table: string, model: T): Promise<void>;
update<T extends SDK.Domain.Pluto.Storable>(table: string, model: T): Promise<void>;
delete(table: string, uuid: string): Promise<void>;
get collections(): {
[x: string]: import("@trust0/ridb").Collection<import("@trust0/ridb").Schema<SchemaType>>;
start(): Promise<void>;
cleanup(): Promise<void>;
clear(): Promise<void>;
Add a password attribute to the constructor
import {RIDBStore} from '@trust0/identus-store'
const apollo = new SDK.Apollo();
const store = new RIDBStore({
password: 'my local db password'
There's currently 2 available storages, inMemory and indexDB
Works in any environment (browser and node) and support all available plugins, Migration and Encryption.
Using InMemory:
import {RIDBStore} from '@trust0/identus-store'
const apollo = new SDK.Apollo();
const store = new RIDBStore({
storageType: StorageType.InMemory
Works only in Browser environments as our lightweight implementation is using the browser API's directly and also supports all available plugins, Migration and Encryption.
Using IndexDB:
import {RIDBStore} from '@trust0/identus-store'
const apollo = new SDK.Apollo();
const store = new RIDBStore({
storageType: StorageType.IndexDB
In order to create your own storage, compatible with Identus and RIDB you must follow this interface and implement the code choosing the storage of your choice.
Using your own storage:
import {RIDBStore} from '@trust0/identus-store'
export class MyOwnStorage<T extends SchemaTypeRecord> extends BaseStorage<T> {
static create<SchemasCreate extends SchemaTypeRecord>(
name: string,
schemas: SchemasCreate,
options: any
): Promise<
> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
constructor(name: string, schemas: T, options: any) {
super(name, schemas, options);
findDocumentById(collectionName: keyof T, id: string): Promise<Doc<T[keyof T]> | null> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
find(collectionName: keyof T, query: QueryType<T[keyof T]>): Promise<Doc<T[keyof T]>[]> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
write(op: Operation<T[keyof T]>): Promise<Doc<T[keyof T]>> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
count(collectionName: keyof T, query: QueryType<T[keyof T]>): Promise<number> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
start(): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
close(): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
const apollo = new SDK.Apollo();
const store = new RIDBStore({
storageType: MyOwnStorage