A list of awesome Vue projects to help deepen your Vue knowledge and leverage your Vue coding skill.
The idea is simple: The more your do something, the better at it you become. And for programming in general, it's believed that there is no better way to become a good developer except by "get your hands dirty" - by doing a lot of coding, whether by following a tutorial or doing on your own.
Below is the list of great, free and paid, with and without instructions Vue projects that I find particularly helpful on my way of mastering Vue. I hope that you will find it helpful too. :)
Getting started projects:
Vue 3 Tic Tac Toe:
Vue 3 To do List:
Vue 3 To do List with Pinia:
Weather App Build (Vue 3 & Tailwind):
Intermedidate projects:
Build a simple Gmail clone (PAID):
Peek-a-Vue Matching Game (By Ben Hong - a Vue core team member):
Create a Vue learning page with Nuxt 3 (PAID):
- Instruction: https://masteringnuxt.com/nuxt3/lessons
- Tech stack: Nuxt 3, Supabase, Prisma, Stripe
Learn Vue by Solving Vue-mini-challenges :
Vue 3 Composition API Realworld Example App :
- Repo: https://github.com/mutoe/vue3-realworld-example-app
- Demo: https://vue3-realworld-example-app-mutoe.vercel.app/
- Tech stack: TypeScript, Vite, Pinia