• A Google Chrome extension that allows users to learn a difficult Japanese word whenever they open a new tab. (Vue 3 + TypeScript) • Each word has its own meaning, example sentence(s) and audio link. • Functionalities: all were self-coded without using any external libraries as I want the bundle size to be as small as possible.
- Clicking to reveal word meaning
- Adding word to learning list
- Toggling dark mode
• How to use this extension in your browser? https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/get-started/tutorial/hello-world
- Pull the repo
- Run npm i
- Run npm vite build
- Go to the Extensions page by entering chrome://extensions in a new tab. (By design chrome:// URLs are not linkable.) Alternatively, click the Extensions menu puzzle button and select Manage Extensions at the bottom of the menu. Or, click the Chrome menu, hover over More Tools, then select Extensions. Enable Developer Mode by clicking the toggle switch next to Developer mode.