cd himlarcli
source bin/activate
./ -h
Tested with python 3.11 on el8, el9 and Ubuntu 22.04.
Use virtualenv:
cd himlarcli
/path/to/python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Packages need to install (tested on AlmaLinux):
- openldap-devel
- python3.11-devel
Packages needed to install:
- python3.11-dev
- libldap-dev
- libsasl2-dev
- build-essential
All script should have the -c
option to set a custom config file. If this is
not set it will look for config.ini
in the root of himlarcli and then in
We supply a .pylintrc file that are used for automated tests and code validation. To check new or updated python files run:
pytlint <script>.py
or to run the full test travis uses with
“#pylint: disable=some-message,another-one” at the desired block level or at the end of the desired line of code. You can disable messages either by code or by symbolic name.
This is for use with himlar in vagrant.
Use config.ini.example and remember to change keystone_cachain: with path to root CA used in vagrant
If you have a config.ini
in the himlarcli root directory it will use this
automatically in all scripts.
If the vagrant installation is setup with support for Dataporten login
you can use
to provision the user and project without the need
to install the access node:
./ push --email <feide-email> --password <password>
./ pop --debug
exit the last script after the user is created.
NOTE: Make sure the rabbitmq section is present in your config.ini first!
Example of /etc/hosts file: Working with web services in vagrant