a web-based synth playground. inspired by quirky hardware. made for happy accidents.
- oscillators (lots)
- effects (more than necessary)
- ui (trying its best)
- presets (save your mistakes)
- everything, but better
- chorus
- compressor
- delay
- distortion
- filter
- flanger
- limiter
- phaser
- reverb
- stereo widener
- tremolo
- bitcrusher
- dimension expander
- formant filter
- granular
- ping pong delay
- sonic transformer
- spectral shaper
*might break. that's half the fun.
- next.js (web stuff)
- react (knobs and buttons)
- web audio api (bleeps and bloops)
- audio worklets (the magic)
- to learn
- to play
- to make noise
sure! fork, tinker, break things. just remember to star ⭐
Apache 2.0 license. see LICENSE
now go make some noise! 🎶✨