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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Usage - Configuration options
  3. Reference - Parameter and detailed reference to all options
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.


The keycloak module allows easy installation and management of Keycloak.

Upgrade to 12.x

Version 12.x of this module had some major breaking changes to support Keycloak 25.x.

The default Java version is now OpenJDK 21 except for Debian. The next major release will drop Debian support unless OpenJDK 21 is added to Debian repos.

The keycloak_flow and keycloak_flow_execution types had their index property replaced by priority. If you had executions with index 0,1,2 you'd need to set priority to something like 10,20,30.

The configuration options switched to using Hostname v2 options.

  • hostname now accepts a URL
  • hostname-url is removed
  • hostname-path is removed
  • hostname-port is removed
  • hostname-admin now requires a URL
  • hostname-admin-url is removed
  • hostname-strict-backchannel is renamed to hostname-backchannel-dynamic
  • hostname-strict-https is removed

Upgrade to 8.x

This module underwent major changes in the 8.0.0 release to support Keycloak that uses Quarkus. The initial 8.0.0 release of this module only supports Keycloak 18.x.

Numerous parameters were changed or removed. Below is a list of the changes to parameters as well as some behavior changes.

Parameters removed

  • service_hasstatus, service_hasrestart
  • management_bind_address
  • java_opts_append
  • wildfly_user, wildfly_user_password
  • datasource_package, datasource_jar_source, datasource_jar_filename, datasource_module_source, datasource_xa_class
  • proxy_https
  • truststore_hostname_verification_policy
  • theme_static_max_age, theme_cache_themes, theme_cache_templates
  • operating_mode, enable_jdbc_ping, jboss_bind_public_address, jboss_bind_private_address
  • master_address, server_name, role, user_cache
  • tech_preview_features
  • auto_deploy_exploded, auto_deploy_zipped
  • syslog, syslog_app_name, syslog_facility, syslog_hostname, syslog_level
  • syslog_port, syslog_server_address, syslog_format

Parameters renamed

  • service_bind_address renamed to http_host and now defined in keycloak.conf instead of the systemd unit file
  • manage_datasource renamed to manage_db
  • datasource_driver renamed to db
  • datasource_host renamed to db_url_host
  • datasource_port renamed to db_url_port
  • datasource_url renamed to db_url
  • datasource_dbname renamed to db_url_database
  • datasource_username renamed to db_username
  • datasource_password renamed to db_password
  • mysql_database_charset renamed to db_charset
  • auth_url_path renamed to validator_test_url and default value changed

Parameters added

  • java_declare_method to make it easier for EL platforms to deploy working Keycloak with correct Java
  • java_package, java_home, java_alternative_path, java_alternative
  • start_command
  • configs
  • hostname, http_enabled, http_host, https_port, proxy
  • manage_db_server
  • features
  • features_disabled
  • providers_purge

Behavior changes

The SSSD parameters are no longer tested and likely won't work. If you use the SSSD user provider and SSSD related parameters, please open an issue on this repo.

This module no longer makes copies for DB driver jar files or install Java bindings, they are not necessary.

When db is set to mariadb, mysql or postgres this module will by default install the database server to the Keycloak host. If you run a remote DB server for Keycloak, set manage_db_server and manage_db to false.

There is no longer a need to define cluster or domain modes in the Quarkus deployment, all related functionality is removed.

Some basic configuration options are exposed using parameters but most configuration options for Keycloak will need to be passed into the configs parameter.

Drop Debian 9 support due to OS repos not having Java 11.

Changes to LDAP user provider IDs

If you had keycloak_ldap_user_provider resources defined the mechanism for defining the ID has changed and requires some migration. Also the ldap property for any keycloak_ldap_mapper resources will have to be adjusted.

WARNING The LDAP user provider ID is used to create user IDs for LDAP users. These will change if the ID is changed. This is to prevent messages such as this: The given key is not a valid key per specification, future migration might fail: f:OSC-LDAP-osc:tdockendorf. If you wish to keep the old style IDs you must provide the id parameter as $ldap-$realm to maintain old IDs.

It's advised to either Migrate to new IDs or Keep old IDs

Migrate to new IDs


  • Define old keycloak_ldap_user_provider resource as absent with new name and setting id and resource_name.
  • Define same keycloak_ldap_user_provider resource to get created with new ID
  • Update keycloak_ldap_mapper resources to point to just name of keycloak_ldap_user_provider.


keycloak_ldap_user_provider { 'LDAP on test':
  users_dn                  => 'ou=People,dc=test',
  connection_url            => 'ldap://localhost:389',
  custom_user_search_filter => '(objectClass=posixAccount)',
keycloak_ldap_mapper { "first name for LDAP-test on test":
  ensure               => 'present',
  type                 => 'user-attribute-ldap-mapper',
  user_model_attribute => 'firstName',
  ldap_attribute       => 'givenName',


keycloak_ldap_user_provider { 'LDAP-remove on test':
  ensure        => 'absent',
  resource_name => 'LDAP',
  id            => 'LDAP-test',
keycloak_ldap_user_provider { 'LDAP on test':
  users_dn                  => 'ou=People,dc=test',
  connection_url            => 'ldap://localhost:389',
  custom_user_search_filter => '(objectClass=posixAccount)',
keycloak_ldap_mapper { "first name for LDAP on test":
  ensure               => 'present',
  type                 => 'user-attribute-ldap-mapper',
  user_model_attribute => 'firstName',
  ldap_attribute       => 'givenName',
Keep old IDs

If you wish to avoid re-creating keycloak_ldap_user_provider and keycloak_ldap_mapper resources then the ID parameters must be defined.

For keycloak_ldap_user_provider ensure the id property is set to match the old pattern. If name was LDAP and realm test or name was componsite LDAP on test then set id to LDAP-test.

For keycloak_ldap_mapper ensure the parent_id property is set to point to old ID for associated keycloak_ldap_user_provider. If the ldap value is LDAP and realm is test or composite name is first name for LDAP on test then ensure parent_id is set to LDAP-test.

Supported Versions of Keycloak

Currently this module supports Keycloak version 24.x. This module may work on earlier versions but this is the only version tested.

Keycloak Version Keycloak Puppet module versions
3.x 2.x
4.x - 6.x 3.x
6.x - 8.x 4.x - 5.x
8.x - 12.x 6.x
12.x - 16.x 7.x
18.x 8.x
19.x - 21.x 9.x
21.x 10.x
22.x - 24.x 11.x
25.x 12.x - 13.x
----------------- ---------------------------------



Install Keycloak using default dev-file database.

class { 'keycloak': }

Install a specific version of Keycloak.

class { 'keycloak':
  version => '24.0.0',
  db      => 'mariadb',

Upgrading Keycloak version works by changing version parameter as long as the db parameter is not the default of dev-file. An upgrade involves installing the new version without touching the old version, updating the symlink which defaults to /opt/keycloak, applying all changes to new version and then restarting the keycloak service.

If the previous version was 22.0.0 using the following will upgrade to 24.0.0:

class { 'keycloak':
  version => '24.0.0',
  db      => 'mariadb',

Install keycloak and use a local MariaDB server for database storage

include mysql::server
class { 'keycloak':
  db              => 'mariadb',
  db_url_host     => 'localhost',
  db_url_port     => 3306,
  db_url_database => 'keycloak',
  db_username     => 'keycloak',
  db_password     => 'foobar',

The following example can be used to configure keycloak with a local PostgreSQL server.

include postgresql::server
class { 'keycloak':
    db              => 'postgres',
    db_url_host     => 'localhost',
    db_url_port     => 5432,
    db_url_database => 'keycloak',
    db_username     => 'keycloak',
    db_password     => 'foobar',

Configure a SSL certificate truststore and add a LDAP server's certificate to the truststore.

class { 'keycloak':
  truststore          => true,
  truststore_password => 'supersecret',
keycloak::truststore::host { '':
  certificate => '/etc/openldap/certs/0a00000.0',

Setup Keycloak to proxy through Apache HTTPS.

class { 'keycloak':
  http_host => '',
  proxy     => 'edge',
apache::vhost { '':
  servername          => '',
  port                => '443',
  ssl                 => true,
  manage_docroot      => false,
  docroot             => '/var/www/html',
  proxy_preserve_host => true,
  proxy_add_headers   => true,
  proxy_pass          => [
    {'path' => '/', 'url' => 'http://localhost:8080/'}
  request_headers     => [
    'set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"',
    'set X-Forwarded-Port "443"'
  ssl_cert            => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/',
  ssl_key             => '/etc/pki/tls/private/',

NOTE: Can set hostname parameter to unset if you wish for that configuration to not be set in the Keycloak configuration if you wish for Keycloak to not use strict hostname checking and respond to multiple hostnames.

Deploy SPI

A simple example of deploying a custom SPI from a URL:

keycloak::spi_deployment { 'duo-spi':
  ensure        => 'present',
  deployed_name => 'DuoUniversalKeycloakAuthenticator-jar-with-dependencies.jar',
  source        => '',

The source can be a URL or a file path like /tmp/foo.jar or prefixed with file:// or puppet://

The following example will deploy a custom SPI then check the Keycloak API for the resource to exist. This is useful to ensure SPI is loaded into Keycloak before attempting to add custom resources.

keycloak::spi_deployment { 'duo-spi':
  deployed_name => 'DuoUniversalKeycloakAuthenticator-jar-with-dependencies.jar',
  source        => '',
  test_url      => 'authentication/authenticator-providers',
  test_key      => 'id',
  test_value    => 'duo-universal',
  test_realm    => 'test',
  test_before   => [
    'Keycloak_flow_execution[duo-universal under form-browser-with-duo on test]',

Partial Import

This module supports Importing data from exported JSON files via the keycloak::partial_import defined type.

Example of importing a JSON file into the test realm:

keycloak::partial_import { 'mysettings':
  realm              => 'test',
  if_resource_exists => 'SKIP',
  source             => 'puppet:///modules/profile/keycloak/mysettings.json',

NOTE: By default the keycloak::partial_import defined type will require the Keycloak_realm resource used for the realm parameter. If you manage the realm a different way, pass require_realm => false.


Define a Keycloak realm that uses username and not email for login and to use a local branded theme.

keycloak_realm { 'test':
  ensure                   => 'present',
  remember_me              => true,
  login_with_email_allowed => false,
  login_theme              => 'my_theme',

NOTE: If the flow properties such as browser_flow are changed from their defaults then this value will not be set when a realm is first created. The value will also not be updated if the flow does not exist. For new realms you will have to run Puppet twice in order to create the flows then update the realm setting.


Manage realm role mappings for users and groups. Example:

keycloak_role_mapping { 'roles for john on master':
  realm       => 'master',
  name        => 'john',
  realm_roles => ['role1', 'role2'],

keycloak_role_mapping { 'roles for mygroup on master':
  realm        => 'master',
  name         => 'mygroup',
  group        => true,
  realm_roles  => ['role1'],


Define a LDAP user provider so that authentication can be performed against LDAP. The example below uses two LDAP servers, disables importing of users and assumes the SSL certificates are trusted and do not require being in the truststore.

keycloak_ldap_user_provider { 'LDAP on test':
 ensure             => 'present',
 users_dn           => 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com',
 connection_url     => 'ldaps:// ldaps://',
 import_enabled     => false,
 use_truststore_spi => 'never',

If you're using FreeIPA you can use a defined resource that wraps keycloak_ldap_user_provider:

keycloak::freeipa_user_provider { '':
  ensure          => 'present',
  realm           => 'EXAMPLE.ORG',
  bind_dn         => 'uid=ldapproxy,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=example,dc=org',
  bind_credential => 'secret',
  users_dn        => 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org',
  priority        => 10,


Use the LDAP attribute 'gecos' as the full name attribute.

keycloak_ldap_mapper { 'full name for LDAP-test on test:
  ensure         => 'present',
  resource_name  => 'full name',
  type           => 'full-name-ldap-mapper',
  ldap_attribute => 'gecos',

If you're using FreeIPA you can use a defined resource that adds all the required attribute mappings automatically:

keycloak::freeipa_ldap_mappers { '':
  realm            => 'EXAMPLE.ORG',
  groups_dn        => 'cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org',
  roles_dn         => 'cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org'


WARNING This feature is no longer tested and likely stopped working when Keycloak began requiring Java 11+. If you rely on this feature, please open an issue or pull request. Likely need to build jna from source.

Define SSSD user provider. NOTE This type requires that SSSD be properly configured and Keycloak service restarted after SSSD ifp service is setup. Also requires keycloak class be called with with_sssd_support set to true.

keycloak_sssd_user_provider { 'SSSD on test':
  ensure => 'present',


Register a client.

keycloak_client { '':
  ensure          => 'present',
  realm           => 'test',
  redirect_uris   => [
  client_template => 'oidc-clients',
  secret          => 'supersecret',


Defined type that can be used to define both keycloak_client_scope and keycloak_protocol_mapper resources for OpenID Connect.

keycloak::client_scope::oidc { 'oidc-clients':
  realm => 'test',


Defined type that can be used to define both keycloak_client_scope and keycloak_protocol_mapper resources for SAML.

keycloak::client_scope::saml { 'saml-clients':
  realm => 'test',


Define a Client Scope of email for realm test in Keycloak:

keycloak_client_scope { 'email on test':
  protocol => 'openid-connect',


Associate a Protocol Mapper to a given Client Scope. The name in the following example will add the email protocol mapper to client scope oidc-email in the realm test.

keycloak_protocol_mapper { "email for oidc-email on test":
  claim_name     => 'email',
  user_attribute => 'email',


Add email protocol mapper to client in realm test

keycloak_client_protocol_mapper { "email for on test":
  claim_name     => 'email',
  user_attribute => 'email',


Add cilogon identity provider to test realm

keycloak_identity_provider { 'cilogon on test':
  ensure                        => 'present',
  display_name                  => 'CILogon',
  provider_id                   => 'oidc',
  first_broker_login_flow_alias => 'browser',
  client_id                     => 'cilogon:/client_id/foobar',
  client_secret                 => 'supersecret',
  user_info_url                 => '',
  token_url                     => '',
  authorization_url             => '',

Keycloak Flows

The following is an example of deploying a custom Flow. The name for the top level flow is $alias on $realm The name for an execution is $provider under $flow on $realm. The name for the flow under a top level flow is $alias under $flow_alias on $realm.

keycloak_flow { 'browser-with-duo on test':
  ensure => 'present',
keycloak_flow_execution { 'auth-cookie under browser-with-duo on test':
  ensure       => 'present',
  configurable => false,
  display_name => 'Cookie',
  priority     => 10,
  requirement  => 'ALTERNATIVE',
keycloak_flow_execution { 'identity-provider-redirector under browser-with-duo on test':
  ensure       => 'present',
  configurable => true,
  display_name => 'Identity Provider Redirector',
  priority     => 15,
  requirement  => 'ALTERNATIVE',
keycloak_flow { 'form-browser-with-duo under browser-with-duo on test':
  ensure      => 'present',
  priority    => 20,
  requirement => 'ALTERNATIVE',
  top_level   => false,
keycloak_flow_execution { 'auth-username-password-form under form-browser-with-duo on test':
  ensure       => 'present',
  configurable => false,
  display_name => 'Username Password Form',
  priority     => 10,
  requirement  => 'REQUIRED',
keycloak_flow_execution { 'duo-universal under form-browser-with-duo on test':
  ensure       => 'present',
  configurable => true,
  display_name => 'Duo Universal MFA',
  alias        => 'Duo',
  config       => {
    "duoApiHostname"    => "",
    "duoSecretKey"      => "secret",
    "duoIntegrationKey" => "foo-ikey",
    "duoGroups"         => "duo"
  requirement  => 'REQUIRED',
  priority     => 15,


The keycloak_api type can be used to define how this module's types access the Keycloak API if this module is only used for the types/providers and the module's is not installed.

keycloak_api { 'keycloak'
 install_dir => '/opt/keycloak',
 server     => 'http://localhost:8080/auth',
 realm      => 'master',
 user       => 'admin',
 password   => 'changeme',

The path for install_dir will be joined with bin/ to produce the full path to


The keycloak_required_action type can be used to define actions a user must perform during the authentication process. A user will not be able to complete the authentication process until these actions are complete. For instance, change a one-time password, accept T&C, etc.

The name for an action is $provider_id on $realm.

Important: The keycloak rest api documentation uses the term alias which will be filled with the value of provider_id in this module.

# Minimal example
keycloak_required_action { 'VERIFY_EMAIL on master':
 ensure => present,
 provider_id => 'webauthn-register',

# Full example

keycloak_required_action { 'webauthn-register on master':
 ensure => present,
 provider_id => 'webauthn-register',
 display_name => 'Webauthn Register',
 default => true,
 enabled => true,
 priority => 1,
 config => {
   'something' => 'true', # keep in mind that keycloak only supports strings for both keys and values
   'smth else' => '1',



This module has been tested on:

  • RedHat/Rocky/AlmaLinux 8 x86_64
  • RedHat/Rocky/AlmaLinux 9 x86_64
  • Debian 11 x86_64
  • Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64
  • Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64

UUID Generation

bundle exec irb
2.5.1 :001 > require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/puppet/provider/keycloak_api'))
 => true 
2.5.1 :002 > Puppet::Provider::KeycloakAPI.name_uuid('LDAP')
 => "bc7bc27f-39b8-5152-91c3-915d710fba35" 


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