This project is an experiment of mine to show how generative testing can be used to solve the algorithmic problem of detecting the x
pairs on an island of black points in an m
x n
grid. contains the main logic for initializing a grid with black pairs and detecting an island. This is Algorithms 101 and not very exciting.
ProbabilisticIslandGenerator is the main driver for generative testing in this project. It operates in a reverse fashion of island detection in that it selects a random starting x
pair then probabilistically determines if a neighbor should be black or not, recursively visiting black nodes. ProbabilisticIslandGenerator takes 3 parameters:
- height of the grid
- width of the grid
- probability that a neighbor is black or not
Here's an example grid generated with height=20, width=20, and probability=0.5:
The unit test in GridSpec.groovy asserts that the blackPairs passed to the Grid instance are the same that make up the island when starting from a random x
pair in blackPairs.