About this course
- Introduction Video ~4min
- On Ground (no Zoom, Program Directive)
- Expectation to present code
- Individual work done in groups
- Schedule: M/W 4PM-5:20PM
! MSBA 503 = 1000pts
Sprint Points Breakdown
- Check In = +25pts
- Demo/Test Day = +50pts
- Deliverables/Workproducts = +50pts
- Kanban Tickets = +50pts
- Kickoff/Retrospective = +50pts
- Attendance = +25pts
- Set groups (no more than 4)
- Agree on stand up time
- Agree on rotation of facilitator, notetaker, timekeeper
- Determine Breakdown of tasks into tickets
- Attempt Scope (what question are you trying to answer?)
- Setup Kanban and invite team members (and Fred)
- Perform 6 stand ups with accompanying documents
- Deliver Kickoff and Retrospective Document
- Deliver Next Steps for Sprint 6
- Deliver One-Pager
- Deliver Workproducts
- Organized/Updated Kanban
- Proof of Concept
- Automated Analysis pipeline
- Find me a research paper/blog post with proxy data and apply it to a novel dataset
- EDA using Power BI or Tableau
- JHU Data or Open API
- Data for Social Good class?
- Real work data?
- Perform 6 stand ups with accompanying documents
- Deliver Kickoff and Retrospective Document
- Deliver Next Steps for Sprint 7
- Deliver New/Updated One-Pager
- Deliver New/Updated Workproducts
- Organized/Updated Kanban
- Perform 6 stand ups with accompanying documents
- Deliver Kickoff and Retrospective Document
- Deliver Next Steps for Sprint 8
- Deliver New/Updated One-Pager
- Deliver New/Updated Workproducts
- Organized/Updated Kanban
- Perform 6 stand ups with accompanying documents
- Deliver Kickoff and Retrospective Document
- Deliver Six-Pager
- Deliver New/Updated Workproducts
- Organized/Updated Kanban