This is our current try to create standards for building, testing and deploying our applications.
What we want:
- General pipelines that can build, test and deploy all our apps/services
- Useful development tooling for local development
Putting the logic in the app repos would create a lot of duplications, maintenance hell and big overhead when creating new services. Putting the logic in the pipelines will make local development difficult since all logic for building/testing/deploying exists in the CI systems. Logic for building/testing/deploying apps/services needs to be accessible for both developers and CI system.
Golang was chosen for Wrench since we can have automatic cross-compiled binaries for Linux and OSX. Get them on releases page.
Wrench is provided through our homebrew tap for OSX and linux users.
brew tap tomologic/homebrew-tap
brew install wrench
If installing via Homebrew, bash completion will be available as soon as the bash-completion package is installed.
brew install bash-completion
It will ask you to add following lines to your ~/.bash_profile
if [ -f $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion ]; then
. $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion
On Linux, you can install completions like this:
wget && sudo mv wrench-completion.bash /etc/bash_completion.d/
$ make build
$ make build_darwin
$ make build_linux
GoReleaser is used to build and package this application.
# Install
brew install goreleaser/tap/goreleaser
# Local-only release
goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
# Build for local testing
goreleaser build --single-target
To view the config that wrench will use for a project simply run the config subcommand.
$ cd examples/simple
$ wrench config
Organization: example
Name: simple
Version: v1.0.0
syntax-test: |
#!/bin/bash -xe
echo "run syntax check"
To get specific values use the format flag. Format will be executed as a golang template.
$ cd examples/simple
$ wrench config --format '{{.Project.Name}}'
Wrench will try to detect project config automatically.
- Organization is derived from current hostname.
- Name is derived from current directory.
- Version is derived from latest semver git tag.
It's possible to override all config with a wrench.yml file.
$ cat wrench.yml
Organization: example
Name: real-app-name
Version: v1.0.0
The wrench.yml is treated by wrench as a golang template file where the environment is accessible through .Environ.
$ cat wrench.yml
Organization: {{ or (.Environ.DOCKER_REGISTRY) "localhost" }}/example
Name: {{ or (.Environ.IMAGE_NAME_PREFIX) "" }}real-app-name
Version: v1.0.0
There are 2 ways that wrench can build docker images. Simple mode which is the normal docker approach and the builder which is uses a separate image to build the application artifact (very useful for golang).
The mode is chosen depending on the existing Dockerfiles in current directory. Builder mode will override simple though, which makes it possible to use Automated Builds on Docker Hub with the regular Dockerfile and the builder image for usage with wrench.
Wrench will by default never rebuild an image if it already exists. Use rebuild flag to force a rebuild.
$ wrench build --rebuild
On build and bump wrench will add a VERSION environment to docker images. This could be utilized by the application to report it's version through an api.
It should be noted that the extra slice created during bump will make the hash of the snapshot and release docker images hash be different.
$ cd examples/simple
$ wrench build
INFO: Found Dockerfile, building image example/simple:v1.0.0
Successfully built 5eb975a7956b
$ wrench run echo-version
Simple mode will build an image named and tagged based on project config (either automatically detected or provided through wrench.yml).
$ cd examples/simple
$ wrench build
INFO: Found Dockerfile, building image example/simple:v1.0.0
Successfully built 5eb975a7956b
Builder mode will use a builder image to build the final image. Builder mode will be used if a Dockerfile.builder file exists.
- Wrench builds the builder image
- Wrench assumes that when the builder is run it will output a docker image context to stdout
- Wrench builds the final image from the docker image context produced by the builder image
Golang example is provided in this repo:
$ cat examples/builder/Dockerfile.builder
Wrench will build a test image incase a Dockerfile.test file exists. Wrench expects the first row to starts with FROM and will replace the row to make it base of the application image.
Following example:
$ cat examples/test/Dockerfile.test
RUN pip install -r requirements-test.txt
The final application image might be unpractical to run tests in incase builder mode is used. You can simply tell wrench to base the test image of the builder image instead by making sure the FROM line ends with "builder".
$ cat examples/builder/Dockerfile.test
FROM builder
Wrench provides a subcommand to run commands inside the produced docker images that are provided in the wrench file.
Wrench will run the command in the test image if the project has one, otherwise in the final application image.
$ cd examples/test/
$ cat wrench.yml
Organization: example
Name: test
Version: v1.0.0
syntax-test: flake8 -v .
$ wrench run syntax-test
INFO: running syntax-test in image example/test:v1.0.0-test
directory .
checking ./
Environmental variables can be provided for run commands through the wrench.yml file.
Organization: example
Name: simple
onerow: echo "onerow"
Cmd: echo $FOO
- FOO={{ or (.Environ.FOO) "default-value" }}
Cmd: echo "expanded"
Subcommand for bumping version of project. This is higly opiniated and will not work if following assumptions are not meet.
- Fast-forward only (no merge commits used in project)
- Snapshot image exist on host (either already built and tested on host or pull)
- Local git repository (able to read and create git tag)
Example commands:
wrench bump major
wrench bump minor
wrench bump patch
Wrench will do following:
- Generate new release version (major, minor or patch)
- Git tag local git tree with new release version
- Retag docker snapshot image to release version
- Update VERSION env variable in release image
Wrench provides a subcommand to simplify pushing of projects docker images to docker registries.
Following blocks are equivalent:
# Prepare tags for pushing (force required for existing tags)
docker tag example/foobar:$(git describe) registry.local:5000/example/foobar:$(git describe)
docker tag example/foobar:$(git describe) registry.local:5000/example/foobar:latest
docker tag example/foobar:$(git describe) registry.local:5000/example/foobar:prod
# Push both tags
docker push registry.local:5000/example/foobar:$(git describe)
docker push registry.local:5000/example/foobar:latest
docker push registry.local:5000/example/foobar:prod
# Remove temporary tags
docker rmi registry.local:5000/example/foobar:$(git describe)
docker rmi registry.local:5000/example/foobar:latest
docker rmi registry.local:5000/example/foobar:prod
Wrench will know which images to push based on project state (release, snapshot image).
wrench push registry.local:5000 --additional-tags latest,prod