This project uses the CoinGecko apis to get the top 10 trust exchanges and renders some high level information about them in a table. When a user clicks on the exchange name it will take them to a details page with more information.
To set up the project for local development, follow these instructions:
Install the depencies at the root level:
npm i
Start the local server:
npm run dev
To run the unit tests:
npm test
To open Cypress UI and run E2E tests (The local server must be running):
npx cypress open
Or to run the e2e tests in headless mode:
npx cypress run
- Vite: Fast build tool and development server for web applications.
- React
- Typescript
- Vanilla CSS
- React Router
- Vitest
- MSW (Mock Service Worker) - Mocks HTTP requests in development and makes it easy to simiulate API responses.
- Cypress
There are some things that I didn't add due to not having enough time and prioritizing other important tasks. I didn't add any loading UX or error handling which is a must if this was a real production app. I would have liked to add some caching for the exchanges and details apis. For that I would not want to do it manually but I could if I had to. But the developer experience of using a library like Tanstack Query for React makes it so much easier. That is one library that I would highly push to use on whatever team I'm on.