A simple script to monitor qBit and communicate with Radarr and Sonarr
I am starting development on qBitrr+ which will be C# based for better overall performance and will also include a WebUI for better refined control on setting and what to search/upgrade etc. Hoping this will be the be all and end all application to manage your Radarr/Sonarr, Overseerr/Ombi and qBittorrent instances in one UI. This is still in it's very early stages and will likely be a couple months before a concrete beta is rolled out (from start of February 2024). Once I have something solid I will remove this notice and add a link to the new qBitrr+, in the meantime I will be sharing periodic updates on my Patreon
- Monitor qBit for Stalled/bad entries and delete them then blacklist them on Arrs (Option to also trigger a re-search action).
- Monitor qBit for completed entries and tell the appropriate Arr instance to import it:
qbitrr DownloadedMoviesScan
for Radarrqbitrr DownloadedEpisodesScan
for Sonarr
- Skip files in qBit entries by extension, folder or regex.
- Monitor completed folder and clean it up.
- Usage of ffprobe to ensure downloaded entries are valid media.
- Trigger periodic Rss Syncs on the appropriate Arr instances.
- Trigger Queue update on appropriate Arr instances.
- Search requests from Overseerr or Ombi.
- Auto add/remove trackers
- Set per tracker values
- Sonarr v4 support
- Radarr v4 and v5 support
- Monitor Arr's to trigger missing episode searches.
- Searches Radarr missing movies based on Minimum Availability
- Customizable searching by series or singular episodes
- Optionally searches year by year is ascending or descending order (config option available)
- Search for CF Score unmet and cancel torrents base on CF Score or Quality unmet search
- Set minimum free space in download directory and pause torrent downloads accordingly
Some things to know before using it.
- qBittorrent >= 4.5.x
- Sonarr and Radarr both setup to add tags to all downloads.
- qBit set to create sub-folders for tag.
python -m pip install qBitrr2
(I would recommend in a dedicated venv but that's out of scope.
- Download the latest release
- Activate your venv
- Run
to generate a config file - Edit the config file (located at
(~ is your current directory) - Run
if installed through pip again to start the script
- Unzip the downloaded release and run it
- Run
to generate a config file - Edit the config file (located at
(~ is your current directory) - Run
if installed through pip again to start the script
- Activate your venv
- Run
python -m pip install -U qBitrr2
- Download on the latest release
- Unzip the downloaded release and run it
- Run
to generate a config file - Edit the config file (located at
(~ is your current directory) - Run
if installed through pip again to start the script
There is no auto-update feature, you will need to manually download the latest release and replace the old one.
docker run -d \
--name=qbitrr \
-e TZ=Europe/London \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v /path/to/appdata/qbitrr:/config \
-v /path/to/completed/downloads/folder:/completed_downloads:rw \
--restart unless-stopped \
version: "3"
image: feramance/qbitrr:latest
user: 1000:1000 # Required to ensure the container is run as the user who has perms to see the 2 mount points and the ability to write to the CompletedDownloadFolder mount
tty: true # Ensure the output of docker-compose logs qBitrr are properly colored.
restart: unless-stopped
# networks: This container MUST share a network with your Sonarr/Radarr instances
- TZ=Europe/London
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /path/to/appdata/qbitrr:/config # Config folder for qBitrr
- /path/to/completed/downloads/folder:/completed_downloads:rw # The script will ALWAYS require write permission in this folder if mounted, this folder is used to monitor completed downloads and if not present will cause the script to ignore downloaded file monitoring.
# Now just to make sure it is clean, when using this script in a docker you will need to ensure you config.toml values reflect the mounted folders.
# The same would apply to Settings.CompletedDownloadFolder
# e.g CompletedDownloadFolder = /completed_downloads/folder/in/container
logging: # this script will generate a LOT of logs - so it is up to you to decide how much of it you want to store
driver: "json-file"
max-size: "50m"
max-file: 3
depends_on: # Not needed but this ensures qBitrr only starts if the dependencies are up and running
- qbittorrent
- radarr-1080p
- radarr-4k
- sonarr-1080p
- sonarr-anime
- overseerr
- ombi
- The script will always expect a completed config.toml file
- When you first start the container a "config.rename_me.toml" will be added to
- Make sure to rename it to 'config.toml' then edit it to your desired values
Please do not hesitate to open an issue for feature requests or any suggestions you may have. I plan on periodically adding any features I might feel I want to add but welcome to other suggestions I might not have thought of yet.
When reporting an issue, please ensure that log files are enabled while running qBitrr and attach them to the issue. Thank you.