A knife plugin to deal with the DigitalOcean.com Cloud services.
This is a plugin for Chef's knife tool. It allows you to bootstrap virtual machines with DigitalOcean.com including the initial bootstrapping of chef on that system. You can also use knife-solo for chef bootstrapping or skip it altogether for another solution.
This knife plugin uses the digital_ocean rubygem.
➜ gem install knife-digital_ocean
This plugin provides the following sub-commands:
knife digital_ocean droplet create (options)
Creates a virtual machine with or without bootstrapping chef -
knife digital_ocean droplet destroy (options)
Destroys the virtual machine and its data -
knife digital_ocean droplet list (options)
Lists currently running virtual machines -
knife digital_ocean image list (options)
Lists available images (snapshots, backups, OS-images) -
knife digital_ocean region list (options)
Lists the server regions/locations/data-center -
knife digital_ocean size list (options)
Lists the available server sizes -
knife digital_ocean sshkey list
Lists name + id of the uploaded known ssh keys
The best way is to put your API-credentials of DigitalOcean in your knife.rb file of choice (e.g. in ~/.chef/knife.rb
knife[:digital_ocean_client_id] = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
There are three different ways of creating a server/droplet instance:
If you just want to launch an instance
form the command line without any bootstrapping, go for option C.
If you use knife-solo
try B and if you are a chef-server
use method A:
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name awesome-vm1.chef.io \
--image 25306 \
--location 2 \
--size 66 \
--ssh-keys 1234,1235 \
--bootstrap \
--run-list "role[base],role[webserver]"
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name <FQDN> \
--image <IMAGE ID> \
--location <REGION ID> \
--size <SIZE ID> \
--ssh-keys <SSH KEY-ID(s), comma-separated> \
--bootstrap \
--run-list "<RUNLIST>"
Short Syntax
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create -N <FQDN> \
-S <SIZE ID> \
-K <SSH KEY-ID(s), comma-separated> \
-B \
-r "<RUNLIST>"
You need to have knife-solo gem installed.
This will create a droplet and run knife solo bootstrap <IP>
equivalent for it.
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name awesome-vm1.chef.io \
--image 25306 \
--location 2 \
--size 66 \
--ssh-keys 1234,4567 \
This will just create a droplet and return its IP-address. Nothing else. You can now run your custom solution to provision the droplet.
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name awesome-vm1.chef.io \
--image 25306 \
--location 2 \
--size 66 \
--ssh-keys 1234,4567
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet list
ID Name Size Region IPv4 Image Status
12345 app20.ams.nl.chef.io 1GB Amsterdam 1 25306 (Ubuntu 12.10 x32 Server) active
23456 awesome-vm1.chef.io 512MB Amsterdam 1 25306 (Ubuntu 12.10 x32 Server) active
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet destroy -S 23456
➜ knife digital_ocean region list
ID Name
1 New York 1
2 Amsterdam 1
➜ knife digital_ocean size list
ID Name
63 1GB
62 2GB
64 4GB
65 8GB
61 16GB
60 32GB
70 48GB
69 64GB
68 96GB
66 512MB
➜ knife digital_ocean image list
ID Distribution Name Global
11111 Ubuntu app100.ams.nlxxxxx.net 2013-02-01 -
11112 Ubuntu app100.ams.nlxxxxx.net 2013-02-03 -
11113 Ubuntu init -
➜ knife digital_ocean image list --global
ID Distribution Name Global
23593 Arch Linux Arch Linux 2012-09 x64 +
1602 CentOS CentOS 5.8 x32 +
1601 CentOS CentOS 5.8 x64 +
1605 CentOS CentOS 6.0 x32 +
1611 CentOS CentOS 6.2 x64 +
12578 CentOS CentOS 6.3 x32 +
12574 CentOS CentOS 6.3 x64 +
12575 Debian Debian 6.0 x32 +
12573 Debian Debian 6.0 x64 +
1606 Fedora Fedora 15 x64 +
1618 Fedora Fedora 16 x64 Desktop +
1615 Fedora Fedora 16 x64 Server +
32399 Fedora Fedora 17 x32 Desktop +
32387 Fedora Fedora 17 x32 Server +
32419 Fedora Fedora 17 x64 Desktop +
32428 Fedora Fedora 17 x64 Server +
63749 Gentoo Gentoo 2013-1 x64 +
1607 Gentoo Gentoo x64 +
46964 Ubuntu LAMP on Ubuntu 12.04 +
4870 Ubuntu Rails 3.2.2 - Nginx MySQL Passenger +
14098 Ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04 x32 Server +
14097 Ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04 x64 Server +
43462 Ubuntu Ubuntu 11.04x32 Desktop +
43458 Ubuntu Ubuntu 11.04x64 Server +
1609 Ubuntu Ubuntu 11.10 x32 Server +
42735 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.04 x32 Server +
14218 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Desktop +
2676 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Server +
25485 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.10 x32 Desktop +
25306 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.10 x32 Server +
25493 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.10 x64 Desktop +
25489 Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.10 x64 Server +
13632 openSUSE Open Suse 12.1 x32 +
13863 openSUSE Open Suse 12.2 X64 +
➜ knife digital_ocean sshkey list
ID Name
1234 Alice
1235 Bob
1236 Chuck
1237 Craig
Commercial support is available. Please contact https://roland.io/ or http://moriz.com/
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Apache 2.0 (like Chef itself), see LICENSE.txt file.
Copyright © 2013 Roland Moriz, Moriz GmbH