This is a repo to demonstrate a problem introduced in ex-aws/ex_aws_s3 v2.2.0
The problem is with the spec of the S3.upload/4 function.
The documentation states:
These options are specific to this function
- only applies when uploading a stream. Sets the maximum number of tasks to run at the same time. Defaults to4
- the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) each task is allowed to execute for. Defaults to30_000
All other options (ex.
) are passed through toExAws.S3.initiate_multipart_upload/3
But the problem is that the spec for the upload function is
@spec upload(
source :: Enumerable.t(),
bucket :: String.t(),
path :: String.t(),
opts :: upload_opts
) :: __MODULE__.Upload.t()
@type upload_opt :: {:max_concurrency, pos_integer} | initiate_multipart_upload_opt
@type upload_opts :: [upload_opt]
so the additional options are not part of the function spec and cause the dialyzer to fail.
To see the dialyzer fail, clone this repo then run
mix deps.get
mix dialyzer