Shell Scripts and other Code used to port simple programs to Mac OS from Linux or other Unix.
Disclaimer: There is no warranty and I hold no liability for the usage of my code. My scripts are not meant for production use. Also I'm not a coder. Why am I on GitHub? Because I can script (wow much impressive, such talent).
The files in this repository are simple scripts attempting to improve my skills as a system administrator and to help others get tasks done quicker. The primary aim of this specific repository is to aid Mac OS (X) users that have experienced the joys of linux but want to continue running Mac OS or in many cases Unix. I will attempt to remain POSIX compliant to a greater degree and will not rely on any Linux dependencies. That being said, the majority of commands will be darwin focussed, e.g. diskutil, sw_vers -productVersion, softwareupdate -lia, etc.
Thanks for reading, contribute if you'd like to teach me something.