This is a set of microservices created in order to present how to manage configuration in a distributed environment. Project consists of following services:
- Discovery Server
- Product Manager
- Customer Manager
- Gateway
- Config Server
In order to build all services at once, run following command in project's root directory:
mvn clean install
If you want to build services one by one, run the same command in a proper subdirectory.
You can run all services on your local machine by performing one of the following commands in every subdirectory.
Please note that Discovery Server should be run first
mvn spring-boot:run
java -jar {application}-{version}.jar
Where {application} stands for application name and {version} is current build version.
There is also a Dockerfile prepared for each service and a docker-compose.yml file in a root directory. In order to setup whole environment, run:
docker-compose up