A simple URL shortener.
- sbt
- npm
This application has multiple subprojects using different frameworks and libraries for the http server.
Note: Start the frontend and backend in separate terminal windows I've had issues when attempting to start the akka-http backend in the background, probably due to the process forking.
Starting the frontend:
npm --prefix=web i
npm --prefix=web start
Starting the backend:
- akkahttp:
sbt shortAkkaHttp/run
- http4s:
sbt shortHttp4s/run
- play:
sbt shortPlay/run
- zio:
sbt shortZio/run
The backend is served on port 8081 while the frontend is served on port 8080. To get to the webpage, navigate to http://localhost:8080.
Create new short url mapping:
POST /urls
BODY: { "url": "http://google.com" }
"message": "(o7iFyQz) -> (http://google.com) successfully created",
"url": {
"originalUrl": "http://google.com",
"shortUrl": "o7iFyQz"
Get all url mappings:
GET /urls
RESP: 200 OK
"urls": [
"originalUrl": "http://google.com",
"shortUrl": "o7iFyQz"
Get a single url mapping:
GET /urls/o7iFyQz
RESP: 200 OK
"message": "(o7iFyQz) -> (http://google.com) successfully retrieved",
"url": {
"originalUrl": "http://google.com",
"shortUrl": "o7iFyQz"
Delete a single url mapping:
DELETE /urls/o7iFyQz
RESP: 200 OK
"message": "Short URL o7iFyQz successfully deleted."