With this application you have a chance to follow the news of film production. By downloading this application, you will have in your smartphone a real cinematographic library, and you will not miss any details on the cinema world: brief synopsis, trailers, rating. However, this application doesn't allow you to watch the full movies.
- UIKit
- Alamofire
- SDWebImage
- YoutubeiOSPlayerHelper
- Locksmith
The application contains 6 screens:
Authentication | Discover | Genre |
Details | Search | Watchlist |
- UI Programmatically
- Autolayout
- UICollectionViewCompostionalLayout
- Custom UICollectionView/UITableView Cell
- Custom UISegmentedControl
- Authentication
- Adding movies to your watchlist
- Pagination
- YouTube Player
- Date Formatter
- iOS 15.0+
- Xcode 14.0+