First Group Project
EDA for Data Science Job Market in the US for August 2018:
Outline: Choose 3 to 4 cities from dataset to focus on and compare how data scientist jobs are available and what is the trend and conclusions we can draw from those comparisons.
Resources for dataset:
- Pew Research Center
- Kaggle
- (Search for most up-to-date datasets?)
- Who gets hired? What kind of talent do employers want when they're hiring a data scientist?
- Which locations has the most opportunities?
- What skills, tools, degrees, or majors do employers want the most for data scientists?
- What's the difference between data scientist, data engineer and data analyst?
Possible trend:
- There is a shortage of 151,717 people with data science skills, with particularly acute shortages in New York City, San Francisco, and LA. (Use those three cities for our focus?)
- The 2020 estmiate calls for 2.7 million job postings for data science and analytics roles