This Python script finds LinkedIn profiles based on company names and job titles. It uses Google Dorks queries to search for LinkedIn profiles and extracts names, job titles, and LinkedIn profile links.
Python Installation: Install python here.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Go in the root folder:
cd linkedin_profile_finder
Library Installation: Install the required libraries by running the following command:
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 httpx pandas
Prepare Your Data: Create a CSV file containing companies name.
- Customize Queries: Customize the queries list with the job titles you want to search for.
queries = ["CEO", "Digital Marketing Manager", "Product", "Whatever you want"]
- Specify CSV Details: Specify the name of your CSV file and the column where the company names are located.
csv_file = "your_companies.csv"
companies_name_column = "company_name_column"
- Start Scraping: Run the script to start scraping LinkedIn profiles with the following command:
The script will initiate the scraping process and generate a JSON file with every companies and related LinkedIn profile information.
- Searches and scrapes LinkedIn profiles based on company names and job titles.
- Filters out irrelevant search results.
- Extracts names, job titles, and LinkedIn profile links.
- Outputs the results in a JSON file.
You can customize the script by adjusting the queries, CSV file details, or other parameters to fit your specific requirements.
- The script uses the requests library for making HTTP requests.
- HTML parsing is performed using BeautifulSoup.
- Google Dorks queries are used for LinkedIn profile searches.
- Data processing and output are managed with pandas.
- This is an updated version of @Rreddington_'s script