Arduino library to program and control Hitec D-series servos. (Not endorsed by Hitec.)
Hitec D-series servos have many settings that can be programmed using Hitec's proprietary programmer. This Arduino library was developed by reverse-engineering the programmer's serial protocol. The library can program all servo settings, including direction, speed, deadband, range, soft-start, fail-safe, power-limit, overload-protection, and sensitivity. The library can also control the servo's motion, and read back the actual servo position.
Note: This library is not endorsed by Hitec, not guaranteed to work, and could potentially even damage your servo.
Note 2: As an alternative to this library, this guide describes a way of using Hitec's official GUI application to program the servo even if you don't have a DPC-11 dongle. Hitec's official GUI supports a wider range of servo models than this library does.
The library works with the servo attached to any digital pin, even if not PWM-capable. However, you must attach a 2-kiloohm pullup resistor between the digital pin and the +5V power supply. (If you're using a 3.3V microcontroller, then instead attach a 1-kiloohm pullup resistor between the digital pin and the +3.3V power supply.)
To program the servo settings from an Arduino sketch, declare a HitecDServo
instance and use the writeSettings()
#include <HitecDServo.h>
HitecDServo servo;
void setup() {
int result;
int servoPin = 2;
result = servo.attach(servoPin);
/* Always check that the return value is HITECD_OK. If not, this can indicate
a problem communicating with the servo. */
if (result != HITECD_OK) { printError(result); }
/* Reduce the servo's speed to 50% and reverse the direction. */
HitecDSettings settings;
settings.speed = 50;
settings.counterclockwise = true;
result = servo.writeSettings(settings);
if (result != HITECD_OK) { printError(result); }
/* After writeSettings(), we must wait 1000ms for the servo to reboot. */
void loop() {
/* Sweep the servo back and forth between the end points */
void printError(int result) {
Serial.print("Error: ");
while (1) { }
For full documentation, see HitecDServo.h.
The Programmer example sketch turns your Arduino into an interactive servo programmer. Upload it to the Arduino, then use the Arduino Serial Monitor at 152000 baud to interactively read/write the settings of your Hitec D-series servo that's attached to the Arduino.
Right now, the library has only been tested with a Hitec D485HW servo. Other models might work, but it's not guaranteed.
Want to help improve support for other Hitec D-series servo models? If you run the Programmer example sketch with an unsupported servo model, it will print some diagnostic information on the Arduino Serial Monitor. Please open a GitHub issue with the diagnostic information.
The library has been tested with an Arduino Uno (5V, 16MHz) and a Sparkfun Pro Micro (3.3V, 8MHz).
Non-AVR architectures are not supported. (The library synchronously bit-bangs the serial protocol, and this depends on instruction cycle counts.)
See src/HitecDServoInternal.h for notes on the details of the serial protocol between the Hitec DPC-11 programmer and the servo. See extras/ for some additional notes about the behavior of the DPC-11 programmer.