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CLI tool to index emails in txt format (see example below) in the search engine ZincSearch.

Email Format

An txt email has the following structure:

Message-ID: ...
Date: ...
From: ...
To: ...
Subject: ...
Mime-Version: ...
Content-Type: ...
Content-Transfer-Encoding: ...
X-From: ...
X-To: ...
X-cc: ...
X-bcc: ...
X-Folder: ...
X-Origin: ...
X-FileName: ...

It is assumed that the entire content of the email after the "X-FileName" field is the body of the email. Examples of emails can be found in the samples folder.

Data Structure

The structure and corresponding json fields used to parse an email are shown below. An email can contain at most, but not necessarily, the fields described below:

type Email struct {
	MessageID               string          `json:"Message-Id"`
	Date                    string          `json:"Date"`
	From                    string          `json:"From"`
	To                      []*mail.Address `json:"To"`
	CC                      []*mail.Address `json:"Cc"`
	BCC                     []*mail.Address `json:"Bcc"`
	Subject                 string          `json:"Subject"`
	MimeVersion             string          `json:"Mime-Version"`
	ContentType             string          `json:"Content-Type"`
	ContentTransferEncoding string          `json:"Content-Transfer-Encoding"`
	XFrom                   string          `json:"X-From"`
	XTo                     []*mail.Address `json:"X-To"`
	Xcc                     []*mail.Address `json:"X-Cc"`
	Xbcc                    []*mail.Address `json:"X-Bcc"`
	XFolder                 string          `json:"X-Folder"`
	XOrigin                 string          `json:"X-Origin"`
	XFileName               string          `json:"X-Filename"`
	Body                    string          `json:"Body"`

Build from Source

Run the following command

go build -o indexer .

You can replace indexer which your preferred name for the binary.


To start indexing run the following command specifying the maildir directory which contains the text emails.


This way uses the default flag values, as follows:

-dir string
	path to email directory (default "enron_mail_20110402")

-index string
	index name (default "enron")

-password string
	zincsearch password (default "Complexpass#123")

-port string
	zincsearch host port (default "4080")

-user string
	zincsearch username (default "admin")

-zincurl string
	zincsearch host url (default "localhost")

So, the default directory is enron_mail_20110402 which corresponds to this email database.

Other available flags are:

	use custom implementation instead of std (net/mail) library

-type string
	request payload type (default "_doc")


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