Python Async NetBox API Client, based on httpx and pydantic
- Minimalistic interface
- Async only
- Python interpreter autocompletion
- Supports NetBox 2.x, 3.x
- Flexibility. All the objects are coroutines or coroutine iterators
- Simple integration with parsers (TextFSM, TTP)
Please, at first, check the dependencies in pyproject.toml
and create new virtual environment if necessary and then:
with pip:
pip install anac
with git:
git clone
cd anac
pip install .
# or
poetry install
from anac import api
a = api(
# get openapi spec and create attributes/endpoints
await a.openapi()
In [1]: some_device = await a.dcim_devices(get={"name": "dmi01-rochster-sw01"})
In [2]:
Out[2]: 'dmi01-rochster-sw01'
In [3]: some_device.device_type
{'id': 7,
'url': '',
'display': 'C9200-48P',
'manufacturer': {'id': 3,
'url': '',
'display': 'Cisco',
'name': 'Cisco',
'slug': 'cisco'},
'model': 'C9200-48P',
'slug': 'c9200-48p'}
In [4]: some_device.status
Out[4]: {'value': 'active', 'label': 'Active'}
In [5]: some_device = await some_device(patch={"status": "failed"})
In [6]: some_device.status
Out[6]: {'value': 'failed', 'label': 'Failed'}
In [7]: some_devices = await a.dcim_devices(
...: get=[{"name": "dmi01-rochster-sw01"}, {"name": "dmi01-rochester-rtr01"}]
...: )
# EndpointAsIterator is a coroutine iterator with 2 coroutines
In [8]: some_devices
Out[8]: EndpointAsIterator(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/')
In [9]: import asyncio
# run 2 coroutines in the event loop
In [10]: some_devices = await asyncio.gather(*some_devices)
# EndpointId is a NetBox '/dcim/devices/' object and coroutine
In [11]: some_devices
[EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/'),
EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/')]
In [12]: patch_some_devices = [coro(patch={"status": "failed"}) for coro in some_devices]
# run 2 coroutines in the event loop
In [13]: patch_some_devices = await asyncio.gather(*patch_some_devices)
# EndpointId is a coroutine, again
In [14]: patch_some_devices
[EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/{id}/'),
EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/{id}/')]
In [15]: patch_some_devices[0].name
Out[15]: 'dmi01-rochster-sw01'
In [16]: patch_some_devices[0].status
Out[16]: {'value': 'failed', 'label': 'Failed'}
In [17]: patch_some_devices[1].name
Out[17]: 'dmi01-rochester-rtr01'
In [18]: patch_some_devices[1].status
Out[18]: {'value': 'failed', 'label': 'Failed'}
In [19]: all_devices = await a.dcim_devices(get={})
# or
In [20]: all_devices = await a.dcim_devices()
# EndpointIdIterator is an coroutine iterator with EndpointId objects
In [21]: all_devices
Out[21]: EndpointIdIterator(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/')
In [22]: len(all_devices)
Out[22]: 50
In [23]: all_devices[49]
Out[23]: EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/')
In [24]: all_devices[49].name
Out[24]: 'ncsu118-distswitch1'
# by default, 'limit' parameter = 50, but you can run 'get' request with custom 'limit'
In [25]: all_devices = await a.dcim_devices(get={"limit": 100})
In [26]: len(all_devices)
Out[26]: 75
In [27]: all_devices[74]
Out[27]: EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/')
In [28]: all_devices[74].id
Out[28]: 106
In [29]: all_test = await a.dcim_devices(
...: get={},
...: post=[
...: {
...: "name": "test1",
...: "device_role": 1,
...: "site": 1,
...: "device_type": 1,
...: "status": "planned",
...: },
...: {
...: "name": "test2",
...: "device_role": 1,
...: "site": 1,
...: "device_type": 1,
...: "status": "planned",
...: },
...: ],
...: )
# run 3 coroutines in the event loop
In [30]: all_test = await asyncio.gather(*all_test)
# EndpointIdIterator is an coroutine iterator with EndpointId objects
# EndpointId is a NetBox '/dcim/devices/' object and coroutine
In [31]: all_test
[EndpointIdIterator(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/'),
EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/'),
EndpointId(api=Api, url='', endpoint='/dcim/devices/')]
In [32]: all_test[0][49].name
Out[32]: 'ncsu118-distswitch1'
In [33]: all_test[1].name
Out[34]: 'test1'
In [35]: all_test[2].name
Out[35]: 'test2'
# httpx.Response is available with .response attribute
In [36]: all_test[1].response.json()
{'id': 110,
'url': '',
'display': 'test1',
'name': 'test1',
'device_type': {'id': 1,
'url': '',
'display': 'MX480',
'manufacturer': {'id': 7,