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(M) Official Docker project for Tigase XMPP Server

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This project is LEGACY and obsolete

Since version 8.3.1 docker images are build using jib directly in the main tigase distribution project!

In order to keep jlink functionality we do keep base image for JDK17 available in jre-17/Dockerfile As described in "Building JRE 17 used by nightly builds" section it's possible to build it using:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server-base:17 -f jre-17/Dockerfile --no-cache jre-17 --push

LEGACY Tigase's Docker package for the Tigase XMPP Server.

Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (tag)

Table of Contents

Supported tags and respective Dockerfiles

Simple tags

NOTE: enterprise flavours containin commercial components

What is Tigase XMPP server?

Tigase XMPP Server is scalable and performant server implementation of the XMPP protocol written in Java.

For more information about Tigase XMPP Server and related products, please visit

Documentation for Tigase XMPP Server is available at

Available from DockerHub

Tigase logo

How to use this image?

Starting Tigase XMPP Server

Starting Tigase XMPP Server is very simple:

$ docker pull tigase/tigase-xmpp-server
$ docker run --name tigase-server -p 8080:8080 -p 5222:5222 tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:tag

where tigase-server is name of the container that will be created and tag is the tag specifying version of Tigase XMPP Server to run (if tag is not specified then latest will be used)

If Tigase XMPP Server is started for the first time (without any configuration), it will start web-based setup at port 8080.


Setting hostname

In some cases, ie. in clustering, you may want to change hostname of the container of Tigase XMPP Server. To do so you need to add --hostname cluster-node-1 (-h cluster-node-1) to the list of docker run parameters.

Dedicated network

It's often a good idea to group related docker services on same, dedicated network. First, create the network: docker network create -d bridge tigase_cluster and then add it to docker run parameters: --network tigase_cluster

Exposing ports

Tigase XMPP Server as the XMPP server is only useful if accessible from the outside of the container. Tigase exposes following ports:

  • 5222 - for incoming client to server XMPP connections (over StartTLS)
  • 5223 - for incoming client to server XMPP connections (over DirectTLS/SSL)
  • 5269 - for federated XMPP connections (s2s)
  • 5277 - for inter-cluster communication
  • 5280 - for BOSH connections
  • 5281 - for BOSH connections over TLS/SSL
  • 5290 - for WebSocket connections
  • 5291 - for WebSocket connections over TLS/SSL
  • 8080 - for HTTP server (web-based setup, REST API, file upload extension, etc.)
  • 9050 - for JXM monitoring

Docker image defines all of the above ports as exportable, however it depends on the Tigase XMPP Server configuration if particular service is available at any of those ports.

Connecting to external database

If you want to use Tigase XMPP Server with the external database you need to connect Tigase XMPP Server container to the database container (must be in the same docker network) or allow Tigase XMPP Server to access database server.

Tigase XMPP Server supports following databases:

  • DerbyDB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

for details about required version of the databases please check Tigase XMPP Server documentation at

It is recommended to pass database username and password for creation and schema management of the database.

$ docker run -e 'DB_ROOT_USER=root' -e 'DB_ROOT_PASS=root-pass' --name tigase-server -d tigase/tigase-xmpp-server

This will allow Tigase XMPP Server to manage and verify database schema.

Database configuration may be then done using web-based setup.

Automatically creating Admin user

It's possible to pass ADMIN_JID and ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables (using -e parameter) to automatically create an Administrator user.

Exported volumes

This image exports following volumes to allow you to keep configuration, logs and persistent data outside of the container:

  • /home/tigase/tigase-server/etc/ - configuration of the server (default config files will be created after first startup of the container)
  • /home/tigase/tigase-server/certs/ - SSL certificates for use by the server for securing connectivity
  • /home/tigase/tigase-server/logs/ - detailed logs of the server
  • /home/tigase/tigase-server/data/ - data stored by HTTP-based file upload feature of the server

NOTE: It's possible (and recommended) to share etc configuration directory across Tigase cluster as all instances use the same configuration.

Tweaking memory configuration

When using default Tigase's docker images JDK11 is used, which is aware about being run within (docker) container. However, one should keep in mind that default JDK's memory settings will be applied (minimum heap of 25% of memory, maximum heap of 50% of available memory - either container's [if set], or host machine). It's possible to adjust those by setting PRODUCTION_HEAP_SETTINGS environment variable to the desired value. For example, to configure Tigase's JVM to use 90% and start with small initial heap add following -e 'PRODUCTION_HEAP_SETTINGS=-XX:MaxRAMPercentage=90 -Xms128m' to docker run.

It's also possible to tweak garbage collector settings by setting GC environment variable.

Operating system settings

When running Tigase XMPP Server in production it's essential to apply configuration outlined in Linux Settings for High Load Systems. In case of Tigase's Docker image this is done via parameters applied to docker run:

Number of opened files

This parameter is inherited from the host operating system and should be configred on the host. If there is a desire to adjust it then adding --ulimit nofile=350000:350000 to the list of docker run parameters would do the trick

TCP network settings

Network configuration adjustments are mostly needed if online user status is not detected correctly after user is disconnected (or with a significant delay).

--sysctl "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=60" \
--sysctl "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=3" \
--sysctl "net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=90" \
--sysctl "net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000" 

Complete Run Examples

Single, basic instance

Below command will run latest version of Tigase with configuration, certificates and (http upload) data directories mapped, configured root database credentials and ports mapped.

$ docker run -d \
    --name some_tigase \
    -v /home/tigase/etc/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/etc/ \
    -v /home/tigase/certs/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/certs/ \
    -v /home/tigase/data/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/data/ \
    -e 'DB_ROOT_USER=root' \
    -e 'DB_ROOT_PASS=root-password' \
    -p 5222:5222 \
    -p 5280:5280 \
    -p 5290:5290 \
    -p 8080:8080 \

Once started, open http://localhost:8080 (from the same machine, or using http://<server_hostname>:8080), follow installer steps and save configuration at the end. You can find more details in the Connect to the Web Installer. Default credentials used to access the installer are available in the etc/config.tdsl and are printed in the container logs, by default those are: 'admin-user' = 'admin' and 'admin-password' = 'tigase'.

Cluster with mysql

  1. Create docker network bridge named tigase_cluster
$ docker network create -d bridge tigase_cluster
  1. Create MySQL container, connect it to created tigase_cluster network, configure name and hostname as tigase_mysql, expose port and configure root user password
$ docker run -d \
    --name tigase_mysql \
    --hostname tigase_mysql \
    --network tigase_cluster \
    -p 3306:3306 \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root-password \
  1. Run latest version of Tigase connected to tigase_cluster network with configuration, certificates and (http upload) data directories mapped, configured root database credentials and user-facing (5222, 5280, 5290, 8080) ports exposed.
$ docker run -d \
   --name tigase_cl1 \
   --hostname tigase_cl1 \
   --network tigase_cluster \
   -v /home/tigase/etc/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/etc/ \
   -v /home/tigase/certs/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/certs/ \
   -v /home/tigase/data/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/data/ \
   -e 'DB_ROOT_USER=root' \
   -e 'DB_ROOT_PASS=root-password' \
   -p 5222:5222 \
   -p 5280:5280 \
   -p 5290:5290 \
   -p 8080:8080 \
  1. Once started, open http://localhost:8080 (from the same machine, or using http://<server_hostname>:8080), follow installer steps and save configuration at the end. You can find more details in the Connect to the Web Installer. Default credentials used to access the installer are available in the etc/config.tdsl and are printed in the container logs, by default those are: 'admin-user' = 'admin' and 'admin-password' = 'tigase'.

  2. Restart current container

$ docker restart tigase_cl1
  1. Add nodes to cluster
docker run -d \
   --name tigase_cl2 \
   --hostname tigase_cl2 \
   --network tigase_cluster \ 
   -v /home/tigase/etc/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/etc/ \
   -v /home/tigase/certs/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/certs/ \
   -v /home/tigase/data/:/home/tigase/tigase-server/data/ \
   -e 'DB_ROOT_USER=root' \
   -e 'DB_ROOT_PASS=root-password' \
   -p 5322:5222 \
   -p 5380:5280 \
   -p 5390:5290 \
   -p 8083:8080 \

NOTE: Make sure that name, hostname and bounded ports are unique - in this case second node uses tigase_cl2 (instead of tigase_cl1) as name and hostname and bounded ports were changed to 5322, 5380, 5390 and 8083 to avoid conflicts.

Building & Publishing

We should build multi-arch images, please prepare build environment as outlined in (because of the limitations of multi-arch one MUST push using build to properly push multi-arch tag)

  1. Older versions (without multiple types)
VERSION=8.0.0 ; docker build -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION}-jre-8 -f ${VERSION}/jre-8/Dockerfile --no-cache ${VERSION}/
for VERSION in 8.0.0 8.1.0 8.1.1 8.1.2 ;  do \
	docker build -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION} -f ${VERSION}/Dockerfile --no-cache ${VERSION}/ ; \
  1. Newer versions with multiple types -- currently only nightly version but after releasing more version each subsequent version should be added to the list.

This image (and its build process) depends on tigase/tigase-xmpp-server-base:17, which build process is described in point 4.

for TYPE in "" "-enterprise" ; do 
  for VERSION in  8.2.0 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3.0 8.3.1 nightly ;  do
	docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --build-arg TYPE=${TYPE} -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION}${TYPE} -f ${VERSION}/Dockerfile --no-cache ${VERSION}/ --push	
  1. Version that's also latest
for TYPE in "" "-enterprise" ; do 
  for VERSION in 8.3.0 ;  do
	docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --build-arg TYPE=${TYPE} -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION}${TYPE} -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:latest${TYPE} -f ${VERSION}/Dockerfile --no-cache ${VERSION}/ --push ; \
  1. Building JRE 17 used by nightly builds
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t tigase/tigase-xmpp-server-base:17 -f jre-17/Dockerfile --no-cache jre-17 --push


NOTE: Below instructions don't apply to multi-arch builds as those push only single architecture image!

docker push tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:8.0.0-jre-8
for VERSION in 8.0.0 8.1.0 8.1.1 8.1.2;  do \
	docker push tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION} ; \

for TYPE in "" "-enterprise" ; do 
  for VERSION in nightly 8.2.0 ;  do
	docker push tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION}${TYPE} ;
  docker tag tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:${VERSION}${TYPE} tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:latest${TYPE} ;
  docker push tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:latest${TYPE} ;

Tagging nightlies

docker pull tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:nightly
VERSION=8.1-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
docker tag tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:nightly tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:nightly-${VERSION}
docker push tigase/tigase-xmpp-server:nightly-${VERSION}


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Copyright (c) 2004 Tigase, Inc.