- Screens: specifies the screens with their position and size to be opened by openScreenOnMonitorX
- TabTitle: with this property you can adjust and overwrite the title of the browser tab. You can define a static value or even make the tab title dynamic to show different values on different states of the machine.
- Download: downloads the content to the user in the given fileName
- openNewTab: opens the given URL in a new tab
- takeScreenshot: takes a Screenshot of the website and downloads it as png to the client device
- openNewWindow: opens new Window with given URL and given width and height
- closeWindow: close oldest window opened by openNewWindow
- openScreenOnMonitorX: opens new windows with the screens specified in the interface values
- checkFullscreen: checks the url and the specified interface values for going into fullscreen, only works together with openScreenOnMonitorX
- playSound: plays a sound file in client browser e.g. as Alarm Horn
- SizeChanged: gets triggered whenever the screen width or height changes
- Url: gets triggered with the creation of the cwc
- Touched: gets triggered
- UnifiedInContainer: gets triggered with the creation of the cwc
The Screens contain the information for new windows to be opened at defined position, size and a screen that should be changed to
// Fullscreen --> if checked the Height, Left, Top and Width will be ignored and tries to go into fullscreen
// Height --> specifies the height of the new browser window in pixels
// Left --> specifies the x position within the monitor screen to place the new browser window
// MonitorNumber --> specifies the monitor to place the new browser window, the monitor most top left will be number 1 and at the bottom right will be the last number
// 1-2-3
// 4-5-6
// Top --> specifies the y position within the monitor screen to place the new browser window
// UnifiedScreenName --> specifies the Unified screen that shall be opened in the new browser window
// Width --> specifies the width of the new browser window in pixels
// The Download method creates a new text file with the name "Protocol.txt" (can also be .csv) and the content "2020-01-01 Happy New Year ..."
// This file will be downloaded to the client's browser directly, so it can be opened on the device (e.g. Tablet, Smartphone, PC)
Screen.Items('Toolbox').Download('Protocol.txt', '2020-01-01 Happy New Year \n 2020-01-02 Machine is up and running \n');
// The openNewTab method opens a new tab in the client's browser with the given URL, e.g. http://siemens.com/
// The openNewWindow method opens a new browser window with the given URL, e.g. http://siemens.com/ and the given width and height in pixels
Screen.Items('Toolbox').openNewWindow('http://siemens.com/', 1920, 1080);
// The closeWindow method closes the oldest window opened by openNewWindow()
// The takeScreenshot method creates a screenshot as PNG of the current user view in the browser
// This PNG will be downloaded to the client's browser directly, so it can be opened on the device (e.g. Tablet, Smartphone, PC)
// The openScreenOnMonitorX method checks your monitors and the window placement api, and then opens as many new windows as screens are specified in the interface
// The new windows are all opened with the screen of the cwc but the urls are different to be able to get to the new screens
// Call this function in the event "Url"
Screen.Items('Toolbox').openScreenOnMonitorX(url, actScreen);
// The checkFullscreen method helps to get into fullscreen mode, needs a user action (click somewhere into the screen)
// only works with modified url from openScreenOnMonitorX method
// The playSound method play a default sound file in your client browser. This can be used e.g. as an Alarm Horn together with AlarmSubscrptions
//or other sound files provided in the CWC
// Get triggered whenever the screen width or height changes.
// Use it to rearrange the screen items depending on the width or height of the real device screen resolution.
// (This is an event and no properties, because there is currently no "changed" event on the properties of a CWC, so you would need internal tags, so this solution would not be device specific any more...)
SizeChanged(newWidth, newHeight) {}
// Get the current URL for further processing
// for example
export function Toolbox_OnUrl(item, url) {
// Touched(deltaXY) {}
// deltaXY is a string separated by "," and gives you the current X and Y coordinates on the screen being touchmoved.
// Use Touchscreen, i.e. for scrolling in a certain touch area:
export function Toolbox_1_OnTouched(item, deltaXY) {
let coordinateArr = deltaXY.split(',');
let deltaX = parseInt(coordinateArr[0]);
let deltaY = parseInt(coordinateArr[1]);
if (deltaX > 270 && deltaX < 800 && deltaY > 96 && deltaY < 480){
HMIRuntime.UI.SysFct.SetPropertyValue("./swSettingContent", "VerticalScrollBarPosition", (deltaY - 96));
} else if (deltaX < 222 && deltaY > 96 && deltaY < 480){
HMIRuntime.UI.SysFct.SetPropertyValue("./swSettingNavigation", "VerticalScrollBarPosition", (deltaY - 96));
// Check out if the Unified Runtime was opened in a Unified Web Control
function inIframe() {
try {
return window.parent.self !== window.top;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// both methods are called in the event Url:
export async function Toolbox_1_OnUrl(item, url) {
let actScreen = HMIRuntime.UI.ActiveScreen.Name;
HMIRuntime.Trace("active screen name: " + actScreen);
let searchURL = url.search("screen=");
HMIRuntime.Trace("search screen name url: " + searchURL);
const pattern = /\?|&/;
let tempSplitP = url.split(pattern);
let urlScreenName = "";
if (tempSplitP.length >1){
urlScreenName = tempSplitP[1].split("screen=").pop();
HMIRuntime.Trace(" get screenname: " + urlScreenName);
if (searchURL > 0 ){
let result = await Screen.Items('Toolbox_1').checkFullscreen();
HMIRuntime.Trace("waited for checkFullscreen: " +urlScreenName + " result: " + result );
HMIRuntime.Trace("new opened screen --> change it from standard to " + urlScreenName);
HMIRuntime.UI.SysFct.ChangeScreen(urlScreenName, ".");
else {
HMIRuntime.Trace("manual opened screen --> do not change screen but open additional screens ");
Screen.Items('Toolbox_1').openScreenOnMonitorX(url, actScreen);