We are some random newbies who are enthusiastic about the web3's vision since long time ago and we want to do some stuffs for and with our community. We would like to help the people who are like us, who were helpless in the society and had no clue how to start make a change. At the same time, to learn about a new technology.
We want to make learning stuffs easy in Web3.
Our targets are:
- Solidity
- things about Web3 and blockchain
We want to send this message to all the people who live in Japan and all over the world.
We care about you and we want to make you feel good! We are together, friend!
If you feel the same way and agree with us. Please feel free to follow us and give us a star.
Read this.
This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.
$ yarn
$ yarn start
This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
$ yarn build
This command generates static content into the build
directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.
Using SSH:
$ USE_SSH=true yarn deploy
Not using SSH:
$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy
If you are using GitHub pages for hosting, this command is a convenient way to build the website and push to the gh-pages