js9 'print(j.clients.itsyouonline.default.jwt_get())'
js9 'cl=j.clients.openvcloud.get(instance="test");sp=cl.space_get()'
this will get your space if you don't see an error it means you have access to this space on openvcloud
- path: /Users/kristofdespiegeleer/code/docs/despiegk/config_despiegk
- keyname: kds
- is sandbox: False
- sshagent loaded: True
- key in sshagent: True
configuration items for j.clients.openvcloud
- test
account = 'despiegk'
address = 'be-gen-1.demo.greenitglobe.com'
jwt_ = '...'
location = 'be-gen-1'
port = 443
space = 'test'
First you need to make sure that you have the zero-hub client installed locally
pip install -e 'git+https://github.com/zero-os/0-hub#egg=zerohub&subdirectory=client'
Then you need to make sure that the zero-hub client is configured correclty
iyo_client = j.clients.itsyouonline.get('main')
zhub_data = {'token_': iyo_client.jwt, 'username': <iyo_username>,'url': 'https://hub.gig.tech/api'}
zhub_client = j.clients.zerohub.get(data=zhub_data)
This will run the sandboxing of js9 on the local machine without the need of a remote machine. To run the script please run the following command after cloning the sandbox repo:
python3 /opt/code/github/jumpscale/sandbox/sandbox_js9_local.py
The script will do the following:
- create the js9 sandbox flist and upload it to the current user's (configured via IYO) account at https://hub.gig.tech/
- merge the uploaded flist with a base ubuntu 16.04 flist (gig-official-apps/ubuntu1604-for-js.flist)
- merge the uploaded flist with a capacity checker flist (https://hub.gig.tech/gig-official-apps/capacity_checker.flist)
- upload the merged flist as /js9_sandbox_full.flist
To test the uploaded flist you can use the zbundle tool from https://github.com/zero-os/0-bundle After creating the sandbox, a flist for js9 will be uploaded to your account on your account at https://hub.gig.tech
To install the zbundle tool you need to execute the following steps:
mkdir -p /opt/bin
wget -O /opt/bin/zbundle https://download.gig.tech/zbundle
cd /opt/bin
chmod +x zbundle
Then you can start your sandbox using the following command
cd /opt/bin
zbundle -id js9sandbox --entry-point /bin/bash --no-exit https://hub.gig.tech/gig-official-apps/js9.3.0.a_sandbox_full.flist
You should change abdelrahman_hussein_1 from the above command with your own IYO username. After running the above command you should see something similar to this:
07:58:49.147 zbundle ▶ INFO 001 flist exited, waiting for unmount (--no-exit was set)
07:58:49.147 zbundle ▶ INFO 002 the sandbox is mounted under: /tmp/zbundle/js9sandbox
07:58:49.147 zbundle ▶ INFO 003 Ctrl+C to terminate the sandbox
Once you are already started, then you can start a js9 shell session using the following command
cd /tmp/zbundle/js9sandbox
source env.sh; js9
Note that the /tmp/zbundle/js9sandbox should be the same as the mount point showed in the output of the zbundle command You can also run the capacity reporting tool using the following command
cd /tmp/zbundle/js9sandbox
source env.sh ; js9 'print(j.sal.ubuntu.capacity.report())'