Spin up an on-demand self-hosted GitHub action runner with multi-arch supported Ubuntu image.
Pre-built [platform agnostic]
docker run thevickypedia/github-runner-linux
Build from source [platform specific]
git clone https://github.com/thevickypedia/github-runner-linux.git
cd github-runner-linux
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t github-runner-linux .
docker run --platform linux/amd64 github-runner-linux
docker compose -f docker-compose-amd64.yml up
- GIT_TOKEN - Required for authentication to add runners.
- GIT_OWNER - GitHub account username [OR] organization name.
- GITHUB_API_URL - GitHub API endpoint. Defaults to https://api.github.com
- GITHUB_SERVER_URL - GitHub server endpoint. Defaults to https://github.com
- GIT_REPOSITORY - Repository name (required to create runners dedicated to a particular repo)
- RUNNER_VERSION - GitHub runner version. Defaults to
- RUNNER_GROUP - Runner group. Uses
- RUNNER_NAME - Runner name. Defaults to a random instance ID.
- WORK_DIR - Work directory. Defaults to
- LABELS - Runner labels (comma separated). Defaults to
- REUSE_EXISTING - Re-use existing configuration. Defaults to
flag can be useful when a container restarts due to an issue or
when a container is reused after being terminated without shutting down gracefully.
More info
Following files/directories are created (commonly across macOS
, Linux
and Windows
only when the runner has been configured
So, a simple check on one or more of these files' presence should confirm if the runner has been configured already
Note: Warnings like the ones below are common, and GitHub typically reconnects the runner automatically.
A session for this runner already exists.
Runner connect error: The actions runner i-058175xh7908r2u46 already has an active session.. Retrying until reconnected.
Using this image without the env var GIT_REPOSITORY
will create an organization level runner.
Using self-hosted runners in public repositories pose some considerable security threats.
Env vars for notifications
This project supports ntfy and telegram bot for startup/shutdown notifications.
Choose ntfy setup instructions with basic OR authentication abilities
- NTFY_URL - Ntfy endpoint for notifications.
- NTFY_TOPIC - Topic to which the notifications have to be sent.
- NTFY_USERNAME - Ntfy username for authentication (if topic is protected)
- NTFY_PASSWORD - Ntfy password for authentication (if topic is protected)
Steps for telegram bot configuration
- Use BotFather to create a telegram bot token
- Send a test message to the Telegram bot you created
- Use the URL https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/getUpdates to get the Chat ID
- You can also use Thread ID to send notifications to a particular thread within a group
export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN="your-bot-token"
export CHAT_ID=$(curl -s "https://api.telegram.org/bot${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/getUpdates" | jq -r '.result[0].message.chat.id')
- TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - Telegram Bot token
- TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID - Chat ID to which the notifications have to be sent.
- THREAD_ID - Optional thread ID to send notifications to a specific thread.
Note: To send notifications to threads, the bot should be added to a group with Topics enabled.
Send a message to the bot in a group threadexport THREAD_ID=$(curl -s "https://api.telegram.org/bot${TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN}/getUpdates" | jq -r '.result[0]|.update_id')
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
https://api.github.com/repos/actions/runner/releases/latest | jq .tag_name --raw-output)
docker build --build-arg RUNNER_VERSION=$RUNNER_VERSION -t runner .