This is the code used to make Pixel Souls Demastered. It works as a library that adds several extension methods to the classes in Soulsformats, such as pixelizing TPFs, palette matching PARAMs, and converting FLVER models to a specified LOD level. Along with the extension methods, there are two scripts: PixelSoulsGlobals, and PixelSoulsHelpers, that contain static information used by the program as well as additional functions used to create Pixel Souls.
You can pixelize all texture files in a binder simply by calling
BND3 binder = BND3.Read(path);
binder.Pixelize(new PixelArtSetting
ScaleFactor = 8,
MaxColors = 16
A similar process can be used for TPF files, and every other format that the library extends, albeit with varying functionality.
- Dropoff for teaching me about DirectXTexNet and the basics of 3D model stuff
- Shadowth117 for allowing me to use the code for calculating tangents.
- Stayd3D for PS1 Dither Matrix