Convert Apache IPA authentication template to EPP #1636
4 errors
Foreman GSSAPI auth enabled behaves like an idempotent resource applies with no errors
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_175333409.l51DMd.pp
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: Facter: Container runtime, 'docker', is unsupported, setting to, 'container_other'
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 1.27 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1723139616'
Error: Found 1 dependency cycle:
(File[/etc/apache2/conf.d/05-foreman-ssl.d/intercept_form_submit.conf] => Foreman::Config::Apache::Fragment[intercept_form_submit] => Class[Foreman::Config::Apache] => Foreman::Config::Apache::Fragment[intercept_form_submit] => File[/etc/apache2/conf.d/05-foreman-ssl.d/intercept_form_submit.conf])\nTry the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
Error: Failed to apply catalog: One or more resource dependency cycles detected in graph
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./spec/acceptance/foreman_basic_spec.rb:42
Foreman GSSAPI auth enabled behaves like an idempotent resource applies a second time without changes
Failure/Error: raise CommandFailure, "Host '#{self}' exited with #{result.exit_code} running:\n #{cmdline}\nLast #{@options[:trace_limit]} lines of output were:\n#{result.formatted_output(@options[:trace_limit])}"
Host '' exited with 1 running:
puppet apply --verbose --detailed-exitcodes /tmp/apply_manifest_175338573.4muaQI.pp
Last 10 lines of output were:
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Info: Loading facts
Warning: Facter: Container runtime, 'docker', is unsupported, setting to, 'container_other'
�[mNotice: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 1.25 seconds
Info: Using environment 'production'
Info: Applying configuration version '1723139621'
Error: Found 1 dependency cycle:
(File[/etc/apache2/conf.d/05-foreman-ssl.d/intercept_form_submit.conf] => Foreman::Config::Apache::Fragment[intercept_form_submit] => Class[Foreman::Config::Apache] => Foreman::Config::Apache::Fragment[intercept_form_submit] => File[/etc/apache2/conf.d/05-foreman-ssl.d/intercept_form_submit.conf])\nTry the '--graph' option and opening the resulting '.dot' file in OmniGraffle or GraphViz
Error: Failed to apply catalog: One or more resource dependency cycles detected in graph
Shared Example Group: "an idempotent resource" called from ./spec/acceptance/foreman_basic_spec.rb:42
Foreman GSSAPI auth enabled behaves like the foreman application Command "curl -s --cacert /etc/foreman-certs/certificate.pem -w '%{redirect_url}' -o /dev/null" stdout is expected to eq ""
Failure/Error: its(:stdout) { eq("https://#{host_inventory['fqdn']}#{params.fetch(:expected_login_url_path, '/users/login')}") }
expected: ""
got: ""
(compared using ==)
Shared Example Group: "the foreman application" called from ./spec/acceptance/foreman_basic_spec.rb:56
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.