An executive function hijacker
Releases are found here. The first kind is the main release, the second is for debugging purposes, and the third is the main release with some example files.
This code is moving over to Flutter from Python Tkinter. The old python release source code can be found in the branch 'legacy.'
Goal List is a training program that procedurally creates a basic training regimen. You don't need to plan how to train at all. You only need to tell the program what you want to do.
Whenever you complete an item, it generates a journal entry in the same folder as the Goal List executable. Check out the GoalListJournal and it will tell you what you did and when.
This looks first in your GoalLists folder, and creates one if it's not there already. Goal List files are CSVs that save your tasks and weights.
A basic alarm clock to help with timed tasks. It currently can only take minutes as input.
Text box takes in the name of your task. Drop down box controls how often you want to see your task (common, uncommon, or rare). Add puts your task into your current open Goal List. Print List prints out your Goal List to the console when running the 'with console' version.
This is your procedurally generated training regimen. Whenever you complete a task item, another one from your regimen takes its place. Clicking done both marks the item done on your list and writes the completion time down in your journal. Remove removes the task item from your Goal List permanently.