Disproving EPR through the violation of Bell's Inequality in an experiment conducted on an entangled bipartite system. Experimental Setup: The experiment utilizes IBM Qiskit, a comprehensive quantum computing framework, and Quantum Labs for creating and managing quantum circuits. The entangled bipartite system likely involves a pair of qubits prepared in an entangled state. Various measurements are then performed on these qubits at different settings to test Bell's inequalities.
Bell's Inequality: Bell's Theorem provides a quantitative measure in the form of inequalities that must be satisfied if local hidden variables are to explain the entanglement. The experiment measures correlations between the entangled particles under different conditions, and a violation of these inequalities supports the quantum mechanical explanation over local realism and hidden variables.
Mathematical Overview: The PDF accompanying the experiment probably includes a theoretical introduction to the concepts of entanglement, local realism, hidden variables, and Bell's Inequality. This would typically involve discussing the mathematical formulation of Bell's inequalities and how their violation implies the non-existence of local hidden variables, thus confirming the non-locality of quantum mechanics.
Visualizations and Results: The use of visualizations in the Jupyter Notebook helps in demonstrating how the experimental outcomes vary with changes in the measurement settings and compare these results against the predictions made by quantum mechanics and local hidden variable theories.
Implications: The results of such experiments have profound implications in the field of quantum information, quantum computing, and fundamental physics, as they help solidify the understanding of quantum entanglement and challenge the classical notions of locality and causality.