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Temporal Durable Trivia

A trivia game built durably on Temporal

Demo Info

This demo primarily shows a fun way to see the human interaction features of Temporal, demonstrating developer velocity by delivering a lot of scalability and features by leveraging Temporal features. See business requirements below.

This demo can also show reliability if you shut down the services mid-game.

This demo can demonstrate insight if you break from the game and show the state and event history as the game progresses.

Value Demonstration
Velocity (primary)


Network Connection
Python (UI)
Temporal CLI (solo)


Local Activity
Activity Retry
Data Converter


Continue As New
Manual Intervention
State Machine

Production Grade Features

User Interface

Workflow Design

Temporal trivia utlizes two workflows. One workflow orchestrates the game and maintains game state. The other workflow adds a player to the game. Workflow Design

Deploy in Kubernetes

Build docker file

$ cd temporal-trivia
$ docker build -t ktenzer/temporal-trivia:v1.0 .

Push docker file

$ docker push ktenzer/temporal-trivia:v1.0

Add SSL Certs to Secret

$ kubectl create secret tls temporal-trivia-tls-secret --key /home/ktenzer/temporal/certs/ca.key --cert /home/ktenzer/temporal/certs/ca.pem -n temporal-trivia

Add ChatGPT Key to Secret

$ kubectl create secret generic chatgpt-key --from-literal=KEY=chatgptkey -n temporal-trivia

Create Deployment (update the environment parameters before deploying)

$ kubectl create -f yaml/deployment.yaml

Check Pods

$ kubectl get pods -n temporal-trivia
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
temporal-trivia-95b98d7d4-5mfj4   1/1     Running   0          23h
temporal-trivia-95b98d7d4-gscgm   1/1     Running   0          23h
temporal-trivia-95b98d7d4-mhb7d   1/1     Running   0          23h

Deploy in Local Environment

Set the following environment variables. These variables configure the temporal namespace, endpoint and certs. In addition since chatgpt is used, a valid chatgpt API key is also required. You can create a chatgpt API key here.

Client Configuration parameters

export TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE="namespace.AccountId or namespace"
export TEMPORAL_HOST_URL="$ or"
export TEMPORAL_MTLS_TLS_CERT="/path/to/ca.pem"
export TEMPORAL_MTLS_TLS_KEY="/path/to/ca.key"

Worker Configuration parameters

export TEMPORAL_NAMESPACE="namespace.AccountId or namespace"
export TEMPORAL_HOST_URL="$ or"
export TEMPORAL_MTLS_TLS_CERT="/path/to/ca.pem"
export TEMPORAL_MTLS_TLS_KEY="/path/to/ca.key"
export TEMPORAL_TASK_QUEUE="temporal-task-queue"

Game parameters

export TEMPORAL_WORKFLOW_ID="trivia_game_152a2c56-35fc-4e0d-96e9-b5b9544ab9a9"
$ git clone

Game Scoring

Players will get two points for being the first to get a right answer and one point for getting the right answer but not being first. Final scores will revealed after the game completes.

Game Rules

Each game can be configured with its own rules. Whoever starts the game sets the rules. This is done as a workflow input. If no input is provided the defaults are assumed.

Category:          "General",
NumberOfQuestions: 5,
NumberOfPlayers:   2,
QuestionTimeLimit: 60,
ResultTimeLimit: 10,
StartTimeLimit: 300,

Play the game

Ensure you are exporting the environment variables.

$ cd temporal-trivia

Run worker

You can also use the Docker file to build a worker image and under the yaml folder is everything needed to deploy on k8s.

$ go run worker/worker.go

Run Solo Version using CLI

Using the CLI you can play as a single player.

$ go run cli/trivia.go -s --mtls-cert /home/ktenzer/temporal/certs/ca.pem --mtls-key /home/ktenzer/temporal/certs/ca.key --temporal-endpoint --temporal-namespace temporal-trivia.xyzzy --questions 5 --category geography
What is the largest country in the world by land area? 
A) Russia 
B) China 
C) United States 
D) Canada

Answer: a
Correct Answer: A
Which country is the largest producer of coffee in the world?
A) Brazil
B) Colombia
C) Ethiopia
D) Vietnam

Answer: a
Correct Answer: A
What is the smallest country in the world by land area?
A) Monaco
B) San Marino
C) Vatican City
D) Liechtenstein

Answer: a
Correct Answer: C
Which of these African countries is NOT along the equator?
A) Democratic Republic of Congo
B) Kenya
C) Uganda
D) Tanzania

Answer: a
Correct Answer: B
Which body of water is located between Turkey and Ukraine?
A) Black Sea
B) Mediterranean Sea
C) Caspian Sea
D) Adriatic Sea

Answer: a
Correct Answer: A
***** Your Score *****
solo 6

Run Simulation

You can manually run a game and understand how the interaction works using the simulator program. The simulator will load defaults and run a game. This is good option for testing or quick demonstration. Each player will answer questions randomly and game progress will be shown.

$ go run simulator/main.go


See Temporal Trivia UI

Durable Trivia Business Requirements

Durable Triva: a durable, invincible trivia web application: "fun and resilient!"

Core Game Functionality

Create a game with four phases:

  1. Game setup & configuration
  2. Users joining
  3. Multiple rounds of trivia questions
  4. Game results

Durable Game Core Requirements

Our users want these key features:

  • Keep it fresh: every game should have its own unique questions
  • Game questions should be specific to a category, such as geography, history, famous people, etc.
  • Multiple difficulty levels
  • Require users to answer in a specific amount of time depending on difficulty
  • Users pick their own user names - but prevent users from using inappropriate user names
  • Allow configuration of games
    • number of questions
    • number of players
    • defaults and configurable maximums for these configurations
  • Allow joining a game via URL or QR code
    • Only allow joining for a set amount of time before the game starts
  • Users want a simple, browser driven UI

Performance, Scalability, and Security

We have these requirements for our game's architecture:

  • Automatic cancellation of game if no players/not started after a certain amount of time - wide scalability - 1,000s of games running concurrently
  • Game engine can't fail as a result of users becoming unavailable or unresponsive
  • Game info must be kept away from users and out of their browsers
    • Game can't expose answers to the UI or APIs until the question ends

Example Event History

Event History