Airline Reservation System Built on Temporal
Select an origin and destination. This will trigger a booking workflow
. It will kick off an activity to calculate the distance and then use that in another activity which will dynamically generate a list of flights. Once a flight is selected another activity is started via a signal to generate a seat configuration based on the flight selected. The booking workflow completes but stores the state of the reservation which can be queried at any time.
Once a seat is selected the price is shown. Entering a credit card will kick off a new payment workflow
which uses Stripe. If the payment fails the workflow will be failed and user notified. If the payment succeeds the workflow will complete and a confirmation of the booking will be provided.
Uses ChatGPT to get flight information and Stripe for payment. For both an API key is needed by the worker. Register for both services and generate API keys.
$ curl -sSL | python3 -
$ poetry install/update (if installed)
$ poetry run python
$ export CHATGPT_API_KEY=mykey
$ export STRIPE_API_KEY=mykey
$ poetry run python