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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Issues related to accessibility
Area: Component Options
Area: Component Options
Area: Dark Mode
Area: Dark Mode
Area: RTL
Area: RTL
Issues related to RTL
Area: Swatches
Area: Swatches
Breaking Change
Breaking Change
Item which is introducing a breaking change.
Browser: Chrome
Browser: Chrome
Browser: Firefox
Browser: Firefox
Browser: Safari
Browser: Safari
Something isn't working
C: ActionSheet
C: ActionSheet
C: AutoComplete
C: AutoComplete
C: BottomNav
C: BottomNav
C: Breadcrumb
C: Breadcrumb
C: ButtonGroup
C: ButtonGroup
C: Calendar
C: Calendar
C: Captcha
C: Captcha
C: Chart
C: Chart
C: Checkbox
C: Checkbox
C: ColorPicker
C: ColorPicker
C: ColumnMenu
C: ColumnMenu
C: ComboBox
C: ComboBox
C: ContextMenu
C: ContextMenu