As of 2025-01-01, no longer accepts results from these scripts, due to updated data formats. I have no plans to fix this, since a vastly improved and up-to-date fork already exists. So please consider this repository for historical reference only, and switch to AutoPrimeNet for production use:
Scripts for working with prime number search
These are written in standard Python without any external libraries. I have only tested these on Linux, but there should be no OS limitations.
Currently, these tools comprise automatic work handlers so that certain third-party software (that do the actual computation) can access Primenet (
For trial factoring with mfakto (should work with mfaktc too)
For Lucas-Lehmer primality testing with clLucas (also CUDALucas)
Serving multiple mfakto directories with one process. I already have a simple idea for this, but the benefits over running separate mfloops would be questionable: a slight reduction in network traffic vs. more complicated configuration and less control over individual GPUs.
Merge the two scripts, as they share a lot of code - though there are lots of small differences all over, so the result may turn out quite ugly.