- 🌸 i am alina aka
- 🎀 fullstack js/ts dev, full-time frontend dev and part-time anime girl from moscow
- ✨ meow
- 💼 open for work, see my resume :3
- 💰 i like money, plz donate
- 🙏 more silly stuff on git.stupid.fish/teidesu
- my awesome job
- mtcute, which is a typescript library for mtproto clients and bots
- fuman, which is a collection of typescript libraries that (hopefully) dont suck
- ???, which is a large project and i'm not ready to elaborate on it just yet
- and nothing else at the moment (but i have tons of ideas and probably will never have enough time to implement them 🤷♀️).
- protoflex, a js tool for parsing and building arbitrary protobuf messages.
- eager-async-pool, a simple to use, fully asynchronous and iterable-based async pool for js.
- zenly-proto, a collection of reverse-engineered .proto files from zenly
- vk-audio, a js script that produces vk tokens valid for usage with restricted
api methods - ym_recognition, a python script that (ab)uses yandex alice to recognize music (poor man's shazam)
- sourcemap-extractor.js, a js script that loads and extracts original code from js source maps
- tg-stickers-downloader.js, a js script that downloads sticker packs from telegram using bot api
- bencode.js, a small js library for bencode (used in .torrent files)
- base32.js, a small js library for base32 using nodejs buffers
- torrent-to-magnet.ts, a small js script/library that converts .torrent files to
links - drklo-emoji-ripper.js, a utility that can be used to rip emojis from DrKLO/Telegram and generate sprites and data
, a script that (ab)uses yandex speechkit through yandex alicecreate-fcm-token.js
, a script that headlessly creates valid fcm tokens for android appsfcm.js
, a script that headlessly connects to google fcm and receives push messageswidevine-js
, a library that (not perfectly, but still) decrypts widevine-protected contentobfs.io-deobf.js
, a script that deobfuscates (some of) code obfuscated using obfuscator.io