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Tehuti is a simple metrics library providing statistical measurement, reporting and quota functionalities.

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$ git clone
$ cd tehuti
$ ./gradlew build


At its core, Tehuti has the concept of sensors, for recording data points, and metrics, for performing statistical measurements over those data points.

Here is an example usage:

// set up metrics:
MetricsRepository metrics = new MetricsRepository(); // this is the global repository of metrics and sensors
Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor("message-sizes");
sensor.add("message-sizes.avg", new Avg());
sensor.add("message-sizes.count", new Count());
sensor.add("message-sizes.max", new Max());
sensor.add("message-sizes.qps-throughput", new OccurrenceRate());
sensor.add("message-sizes.bytes-throughput", new Rate());
sensor.add("", new Total());
sensor.add(new Percentiles(10 * 1024, // Histogram's memory consumption: max 10 KB
                           1024 * 1024, // Histogram's max value: 1 MB (i.e.: max expected message size)
                           new Percentile("message-sizes.median", 50),
                           new Percentile("message-sizes.95thPercentile", 95),
                           new Percentile("message-sizes.99thPercentile", 99));

// as messages are sent we record the sizes

Note: you can also use metrics directly without sensors, although typically sensors are useful for the following reasons:

  • Sensors offer a convenient way to make sure that several metrics are measured off of the same data point.
  • Sensors are thread-safe. The synchronization happens at the sensor level, not the metric level.


One can define a MetricConfig and apply it at the sensor level, or for specific metrics. This configuration defines how sampling and quota works.

Here is an example of custom configuration for a sensor and a metric:

// Initialize config so that sample windows roll over after 10 seconds or 1000 events, whichever comes first
MetricConfig sensorConfig = new MetricConfig().timeWindow(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).eventWindow(1000);
// Initialize config so that there are 10 sample windows of 6000 milliseconds each
MetricConfig specificConfig = new MetricConfig().samples(10).timeWindow(6000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Use the first config for a sensor, and override one of the metrics within that sensor with the second config
MetricsRepository metrics = new MetricsRepository(); // this is the global repository of metrics and sensors
Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor("message-sizes", sensorConfig);
sensor.add("message-sizes.min", new Min());
sensor.add("message-sizes.max", new Max());
sensor.add("message-sizes.avg", new Avg(), specificConfig);
// as messages are sent we record the sizes

Here are the configuration properties and their defaults:

  • samples: The amount of sample windows to keep (and measure on). Once a sampled stat goes over this amount of samples, the oldest one will be purged and replaced by the new one. The default is 2 sample windows (the current and previous ones).
  • eventWindow: The amount of events that can come into a single window before we roll forward to the next one. The default is Long.MAX_VALUE.
  • timeWindow: The maximum time that can go by since the first event recorded in a window before we roll forward to the next one. The default is 30 seconds.
  • quota: A Quota instance defining an upper or lower bound that must be respected for a certain metric. The default is null (no quota).

Once a sampled stat goes over its maximum amount of samples, the oldest sample will be replaced by the new one. When measuring the value of a sampled stat, any sample whose beginning time is older than samples * timeWindow will be purged, so that the measurement is not affected by old data points.


Tehuti also supports quotas. Quotas are passed within configurations, and can define a lower or upper bound for a specific metric. If the boundary is crossed, Tehuti will throw a QuotaViolationException. Applications can then catch (or bubble up) this exception to avoid doing an operation that would go beyond a desired threshold.

Here is an example on how to define quotas for queries per second and bytes per second off of the same sensor:

// Initialize config so that we bound operations to 1000 QPS and 100 MBps
MetricConfig queriesPerSecondQuota = new MetricConfig().quota(Quota.lessThan(1000))
MetricConfig bytesPerSecondQuota = new MetricConfig().quota(Quota.lessThan(100 * 1024 * 1024))
MetricsRepository metrics = new MetricsRepository(); // this is the global repository of metrics and sensors
Sensor sensor = metrics.sensor("messages");
sensor.add("message-sizes.min", new Min());
sensor.add("message-sizes.max", new Max());
sensor.add("message-sizes.avg", new Avg());
sensor.add("message-sizes.count", new Count());
sensor.add("message-sizes.qps-throughput", new OccurrenceRate(), queriesPerSecondQuota);
sensor.add("message-sizes.bytes-throughput", new Rate(), bytesPerSecondQuota);
// as messages are sent we record the sizes


Finally, Tehuti can report metrics so that they can be picked up by external systems. Currently, Tehuti supports only JMX-based reporting, but the architecture is extendable to more types of reporting systems.

MetricsRepository metrics = new MetricsRepository(); // this is the global repository of metrics and sensors
metrics.addReporter(new JmxReporter("prefix.for.all.metrics.names."));