This repository contains the code for the manuscript: Jadhav, V., Pasqua, R., Zanon, C., Roy, M., Tredan, G., Bon, R., ... & Theraulaz, G. (2024). Collective responses of flocking sheep (Ovis aries) to a herding dog (border collie). Communications Biology, 7(1), 1543.
The codes are tested to run on MATLAB Version: (R2023b).
UWB tag data for all the trials are available in /main_text/sheepR.dat
. The first, second, third, fourth and fifth columns in sheepR.dat
are trial number, sheep ID, time (s), and position along the x (m) and y (m) axis, respectively.
To convert the data in sheepR.dat
into .mat
format, run /main_text/pre_ana.m
followed by /main_text/pre_ini_ana.m
. This will give sheep_all_dat.mat
. As our analysis focuses on the active phase, during which the dog was driving the sheep and staying behind the flock relative to its direction of movement, we select active phase trajectories from sheep_all_dat.mat
. To do this, run /main_text/drivs_dat.m
, which generates drives_data.mat
Both data files sheep_all_dat.mat
and drives_data.mat
should be in both\main_text
and sm
folders to reproduce figures in those folders. We have already added these files to both the folder.
Run \main_text\figure_1b
to reproduce representative trajectories of sheep, barycenter and dog shown in Figure 1b.
Time series and probability density functions of the observables characterizing collective behavior of sheep and their reaction to the dog: run main_text\figure_2ae.m
to generate Figure 2a-e and run \main_text\figure_2fj.m
to generate Figure 2f-j of the main text.
Relative angular positions and headings of the barycenter of the flock and the dog: Run main_text\figure_3.m
to generate Figure 3 of the main text.
Turning rates of the barycenter of the flock and the dog: run \main_text\figure_4.m
to generate Figure 4 of the main text. Ensure that Violin.m
and violinplot.m
(Bechtild, Bastian, 2016) are in path.
Hierarchical leader-follower relationships
- Run
to generate leader-follower networks for all drives. Set variableno_shp_dg = no_shp
to observe the leader-follower network without the dog and comment the above variable to observe the leader-follower network with the dog. This code generates Figure 5c and Supplementary Figure 5. - Run
to generate Figure 5 d-e of the main text and Supplementary Figures 6 and 7. To generate Fig 5e, the relationship between mean$d_i$ and indegree for the model, simulation data is already uploaded in the foldermain_text
. However, to run the simulations and calculate Pearson's correlation between mean$d_i$ and indegree, do the following:- Run
. Simulation data is stored ashm_n_14.mat
for group size 14. - Load
and run the code.
- Run
Simulation results of the shepherding model To generate Figure 6 of the main text do the following:
- Run
. Simulation data is stored ashm_n_14.mat
for group size 14. - Load
and run the code.
To simulate the modified model described in Supplementary Section 3, run sm\simulation_hm_sim.m
. Simulation data is stored as hm_sim_14_rd_3.mat
for \sm\model_network_ana.m
with data from appropriate
Run codes in the folder \sm
to generate Supplementary Figures. Ensure that sheep_all_dat.mat
and drives_data.mat
are in the path.
generates Supplementary Figure 2\sm\sm_fig_cc.m
generates Supplementary Figures 3, 4, and 16.\sm\sm_fig_dij.m
generates Supplementary Figure 8 and 11.\sm\all_trajectories.m
generates Supplementary Figure 14.
- Bechtold, Bastian, 2016. Violin Plots for Matlab, Github Project, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4559847