sshare is an easy way to expose your local service to the world by using your own infrastructure.
$ sshare client 8080 --https-redirect
sshare 1.2.0 π
Address: ->
HTTPs redirect: enabled
Address: ->
- Kubernetes cluster >= v1.8 with nginx-ingress
Here you can check the latest available version.
$ curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/sshare
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sshare
$ curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/sshare
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sshare
Sshare is using Kubernetes as a backend to create resources that allow exposing your local service.
- Sshare client sends a request to a
sshare server
- Sshare server creates needed resources (OpenSSH server, service, ingress) in the Kubernetes cluster
- When the backend is ready in the Kubernetes cluster,
sshare client
creates an SSH tunnel between the remote (sshd server) host and the client - Sshare forwards connections from the remote server to the local service that was exposed
Sshare is an easy way to share your local server with the world
sshare [command]
Available Commands:
client This command creates a secure tunnel that exposes your local port
completion Generate completion script
help Help about any command
server Runs server that creates a backend for client request
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.sshare.yaml)
-h, --help help for sshare
--log-level string logging level (debug,info,warn,error) (default "info")
Use "sshare [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Runs server that creates a backend for client request.
sshare server [flags]
--address ip address to listen on (default
--oauth2-client-id string the OAuth Client ID
--oauth2-client-secret string the OAuth Client Secret
--oauth2-email strings allow logins for users with a given email, separated by a comma
--oauth2-github-user strings allow logins by username, separated by a comma
--oauth2-port int32 port to listen on for OAuth2 (default 50039)
--oauth2-provider string OAuth 2 provider name (available: github) (default "github")
--backend-domain string domain name that is used for public access (default "")
--backend-https-enabled set true if backend supports HTTPs connection
--backend-ready-timeout duration time after which the backend is reported as not ready (default 2m0s)
--client-session-timeout int32 time in seconds after which a session for client is closed (0 means no limit)
--driver string driver that is used to create backend (default "kubernetes")
-h, --help help for server
--in-cluster run server in Kubernetes cluster
--kubeconfig string path to the kubeconfig file (default "~/.kube/config")
-n, --namespace string namespace scope where SSHD instances are created (default "default")
--port int32 port to listen on (default 50041)
--metrics-port int32 port that metrics are exposed on (default 2112)
--tls-ca string The TLS CA file (default "~/.sshare/ca.pem")
--tls-cert string The TLS cert file (default "~/.sshare/cert.pem")
--tls-enabled enable TLS for connection between client and server
--tls-key string The TLS key file (default "~/.sshare/key.pem")
--tls-port int32 port to listen on for TLS connection (default 50040)
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.sshare.yaml)
--log-level string logging level (debug,info,warn,error) (default "info")
The example below exposes local port 9090:
$ sshare client 9090
Expose only TCP for port 9090:
$ sshare client 9090 --tcp
sshare client [PORT] [flags]
-h, --help help for client
--http-enable-cors enable CORS
--https-redirect redirect HTTP to HTTPS
--server-address string server address (default "localhost:50041")
--tcp expose TCP port (for a service that does not support HTTP protocol)
--tls-disabled disable TLS for connection to the server
--login log in
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.sshare.yaml)
--log-level string logging level (debug,info,warn,error) (default "info")
In the following example we run sshare server
and expose a nginx container by using sshare client
The example assumes that you have access to a Kubernetes cluster with configured nginx-ingress. The sshare server
uses a default Kubernetes configuration available on your local machine.
- Run
sshare server
$ sshare server
{"level":"info","ts":1609336286.353205,"caller":"grpc/server.go:243","msg":"sshare gRPC server","version":"1.2.0","address":""}
{"level":"info","ts":1609336286.353504,"caller":"grpc/server.go:212","msg":"TLS is disabled. Skipping TLS Responder"}
{"level":"info","ts":1609336286.353702,"caller":"grpc/server.go:295","msg":"Running Prometheus metrics","address":":2112","endpoint":"/metrics"}
- Run a nginx container locally
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:80 nginx
- Run
sshare client
$ sshare client 8080 --tls-disabled
sshare 1.2.0 π
Address: ->
- Here you can find an example of how to setup
sshare server
on a Kubernetes cluster - If
sshare server
is ready you can connect to the server from a local machine
sshare client 8080 --server-address
sshare 1.2.0 π
Address: ->
Address: ->
That's all :)