A Simple [Experimental] Commander for VLANG that just works
root := vargus.CmdConfig{
command: 'root'
short_desc: 'short desc'
long_desc: 'some long description'
allow_next_args: true
function: fn (args []string, flags []vargus.FlagArgs) {
mut cmder := vargus.new(root)
: arguments will be allowed next to a command if it isn't in the command's sub_commands. If set tofalse
it will consider arguments next to the command unknown but will be considered asargs
if there are no flags defined.
All commands created with vargus.new()
are automatically defined as main root command.
Info: You cannot explicitly add sub_commands or flags directly from structs. All actions are done through functions.
You can only add commands and sub_commands once a root
command is defined.
mut generate := cmder.add_command(
command: 'generate'
short_desc: 'generate desc'
long_desc: 'generate some long description'
function: fn (args []string, flags []vargus.FlagArgs) {
println('generate command')
NoTe: if you want to add sub_commands or flags to a command, you should pass it to a variable. If not, you can just ignore the variable and just call the function [parentcommand].add_command
Vargus supports adding local and global flags.
Flag Configurations
- IntFlagConfig
pub struct IntFlagConfig { name string short_arg string required bool default_value int help string }
- StringFlagConfig
pub struct StringFlagConfig { name string short_arg string required bool default_value string help string }
- FloatFlagConfig
pub struct FloatFlagConfig { name string short_arg string required bool default_value f32 help string }
- BoolFlagConfig
pub struct BoolFlagConfig { name string short_arg string required bool default_value bool help string }
[command].add_local_flag_int(fc IntFlagConfig)
[command].add_local_flag_string(fc StringFlagConfig)
[command].add_local_flag_float(fc FloatFlagConfig)
[command].add_local_flag_bool(fc BoolFlagConfig)
[command].add_global_flag_int(fc IntFlagConfig)
[command].add_global_flag_string(fc StringFlagConfig)
[command].add_global_flag_float(fc FloatFlagConfig)
[command].add_global_flag_bool(fc BoolFlagConfig)
Vargus supports adding hooks to your command.
*pre-run hooks will be run before executing the command function
*post-run hooks will be run after the execution of the command function
- HooksConfig
pub struct HooksConfig { hooks_type CmdHooksType function fn (x []string, y []FlagArgs) }
- CmdHooksType
enum CmdHooksType { pre_run post_run persistent_pre_run persistent_post_run }
You are on your own once you set these configurations.
WARNING: These configurations are persistent that once defined on a command, will take effect on each sub_commands. It is preferred to be set on a root / main command.
[command].set_help(fn (command string, desc string, sub_commands []vargus.HelpSubcommands, local_flags []vargus.FlagArgs, global_flags []vargus.FlagArgs))
[command].set_validator(cf CFlagValidatorConfig)
pub struct CFlagValidatorConfig { flag_type FlagDataType [required] function fn (x string) bool [required] }
- Required : flags that are required / a value should be set
[command].set_custom_err_required(f fn (x string, y string))
- Value : the value set to the flag is invalid or of different data type
[command].set_custom_err_value(f fn (x string, y string))
- Blank : the flag is present but no value can be found
[command].set_custom_err_blank(f fn (x string))
- Unknown : flag is unknown or is not set to the command
[command].set_custom_err_unknown(f fn (x string))
- Command : the command is unknown
[command].set_custom_err_command(f fn (x string))
- Required : flags that are required / a value should be set
Others prefer directly configuring a command in the struct.
CmdConfig : this is the main config in adding new commands
pub struct CmdConfig { command string short_desc string long_desc string allow_next_args bool = true // defaults to true function fn (args []string, flags []FlagArgs) hooks CmdHooksConfig config CommandCmdConfig }
pub struct CommandCmdConfig { help fn (command string, desc string, sub_commands []HelpSubcommands, local_flags []FlagArgs, global_flags []FlagArgs) errors CmdErrorsConfig validators CmdValidatorsConfig } pub struct CmdErrorsConfig { required fn (flag_name string, flag_shortarg string) value fn (flag string, flag_type string) blank fn (flag string) unknown fn (flag string) command fn (command string) } pub struct CmdValidatorsConfig { integer fn (flag_value string) bool string_var fn (flag_value string) bool float fn (flag_value string) bool boolean fn (flag_value string) bool }
- Minimize / control memory leaks. (
leaks too much memory onvalgrind
) [need help] - Add more features...
- Simplify codes for minimal CLI app output.
utilizes only the os
module, primarily the os.args
- Each argument (string) from the
is manually parsed. How? Sampleos.args
=['home/app', 'generate', '--flag', 'flagvalue', 'args']
is the main executable- If
has been defined as a command, it will call thecommand
's function, otherwise it will be parsed as anargument
and it will call the parent function.
- For
to be able to know that a command is unknown, you should set theallow_next_args
in the command'sCmdConfig
to false. This will set the next argument to a commandunknown
if the preceeding argument is a flag. Otherwise, it will be parsed as an argument.
- For
- Cobra CLI Commander for Go