1.0.0 (2023-04-27)
drop team table
remove teams from gql resolvers
remove teams docs
remove teams support
drop other part of teams components
replace teams explore with projects in Header menu
drop useless routes
drop teams pages and components
disable e2e in GH workflows
@bricks form elements integration (d85ae14 )
@taskany/colors integration (8c34dc1 )
from @taskany/bricks (f511c06 )
add PageTitle (8988050 )
add PresetFilterDropdown (f14944c )
add PriorityFilterDropdown (e4ade97 )
Add PriorityText component (d4e56cf )
add routing progress (9a09043 )
Badge, Button, Card, CleanButton, ComboBox, Dot from bricks (618d9b0 )
ComboBox: support groups (04b3826 )
connect npm package @taskany/bricks (5dcbb1b )
Dropdown, Fieldset, Footer, Input, InputContainer, Link, SheepLogo integration (76c302d )
EstimateFilterDropdown: user can filter goals via estimates (a9e044b )
fetch, create, delete custom filters (1b9182c )
Filter: add model and resolver (9c10e53 )
FiltersPanel: add projects filter (6ad298e )
FiltersPanel: reset button (0cff0b8 )
Filter: star/unstar not owned filters (ff51e2f )
FormEditor translations (22b0d1e )
FormMultiImport component (83cd385 )
global create button (99ac5f8 )
Goal: add archived field to model and filters (c29c567 )
Goal: allow user to delete goals (da13117 )
GoalEditForm: allow move goal btw project and team (641e728 )
GoalEditForm: move goal btw projects (5b67642 )
GoalList: click on tag adds it to filter (1dfe44f )
GoalListItem: show priority (f11a0f5 )
GoalPreview: allow edit goal from preview (94b11f5 )
Goal: show team goals on dashboard (3b38b73 )
Goal: show team info on goal page (ae0c2c7 )
Goal: show teams of goal project (a70850b )
Goal: support creating goals for Team (8555e54 )
helper string with current filter values (245e613 )
hooks from @taskany/bricks (b2bd415 )
Icon, Modal and depended (c3778ba )
include project/team title/desctiprion to search fields (cd43264 )
integrate custom filters on dashboard (3d54b03 )
integrate custom filters on project page (c1f5460 )
integrate StateDot, MarkedListItem from @bricks (8b623e4 )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (Comments components) (8bc0434 )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (Common components) (90b7a53 )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (drop next-intl) (8d0f0e7 )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (fix merge conflicts) (a463239 )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (Goals components) (478300b )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (Issues components) (f507bdf )
migrate to easy-typed-intl (Projects components) (4d730e9 )
NotificationsHub: one way to notify users (e9cd83a )
PageHeader blocks from @taskany/bricks (4c56ed4 )
Project: add teams editing on project settings (0c3e11d )
Project: show teams on project page (31f5c6c )
Project: user can transfer ownership (56591bb )
support priority filter in resolvers (95fa077 )
Team: add flow field (1f91cd8 )
Team: add projects on team settings (35735d3 )
TeamCreateForm: add flow field (82e89ed )
TeamCreateForm: add key field (7fb88e0 )
Team: show team goals on team page (da0c10b )
Team: user can delete team (93af986 )
Team: user can transfer ownership (cbe05f9 )
Text, Popup from bricks (beefe4b )
top level projects in explore (a5c5a38 )
universal WatchButton and StarButton (943f5d1 )
Update bricks, remove extra dependencies (9d70e2d )
User: clear local storage from settings page (b28d430 )
Bug Fixes
auth: keykloak extra field (9339e9f )
auth: return rest params (6233b97 )
Button: pointer if onClick provided only (3de2663 )
Buttons markup error (ae98de2 )
Button: use bkg color as text color in focus mode (2e19882 )
Comment should be reset after submit (ebfa1ec )
CommentCreateForm: incorrect goalId (489521d )
Comment: do not sent activityId with comment data (a0dcad2 )
Comment: find activity not user (d89ad35 )
CommentView: remove double comment description in edit mode (cc2ab31 )
CommentView: remove user-select: none (421112e )
CommonHeader: allow multiline title (58eca91 )
CommonHeader: do not show title attr for header (64eeb53 )
Dashboard: get recommended flow from db (eeb5a09 )
Dashboard: incorrect projects map (756a8e1 )
dateTime: list of available years for this year (afca1d5 )
FiltersPanel: clean url if no filters (131d330 )
FiltersPanel: debounce search input (274a3ea )
FiltersPanel: get/set right search params (aa35082 )
FiltersPanel: show zero count (4c8c012 )
get goal comments count in same way (24d420b )
Goal: check projectId in transfer branch (bc4d7fc )
Goal: correct userGoals compilation (f49707b )
GoalEditForm: update i18n (de63bd6 )
GoalForm: button positions via priority (607b6a8 )
GoalForm: correct tags container position (f8f9c16 )
GoalForm: pass key for team and project to cache (b13f348 )
GoalForm: sync tags container background (5c0f17c )
Goal: incorrect btw projects move logic (47e8bff )
Goal: incorrect filters order (fff83cc )
GoalParentComboBox: check value to get right button text (f28fcdc )
GoalPreview: adapt height for long goal titles (19c333c )
GoalPreview: clean state after deleting (8bfa6da )
GoalPreview: not show dot in header if no teams (f00a4be )
Gravatar: pass classname and default src props (9f55ac0 )
Gravatar: set image src after mount (1cb0bf4 )
Header: rename Goals to Dashboard (b67ed5c )
hydration errors by rendering (e1fc159 )
hydration errors by rendering (d8245af )
i18n: tag successfully created message (44f2524 )
IssueListItem: remove incorrect flex style (33f5588 )
IssueListItem: wrap StateDot (4acb23e )
IssueParent: correct parent hierarchy (6b42deb )
IssueParticipants: use Modal layout components (eebc40a )
key validation in team and project creating forms (4696e2e )
keyPredictor: remove unicode symbols (2ff1c7f )
keyPredictor: support ru lang (c178825 )
LimitFilter: default 100 (c9ed40d )
LimitFilterDropdown: remove default value (30cbaba )
LimitFilterDropdown: remove dublicated item (c3aae34 )
NotificationsHub: no carry (e75093d )
notifyPromise: strict type for result (b1e2dc9 )
Page: remove padding from PageContent (49d2b8e )
PageTitle: pointer if onClick passed only (1aacb16 )
priority types (939d27a )
prisma: skip ghost logic for users without invite (5e6a17e )
Project: do not cast id to number (966d4c3 )
ProjectHeader: wrap but not ellipsis (9012e50 )
ProjectPageLayout: add comma btw teams in title (1997c72 )
ProjectPageLayout: add right key for links in TabsMenu (63a7d67 )
ProjectPageLayout: compare paths without query string (3263769 )
ProjectPageLayout: do not show watch/star actions on settings page (d74e9cc )
ProjectPage: pass flowId to LS cache (25275f5 )
Project: pass search query to resolvers (87b162f )
Project: remove slug fields from fetcher (e6e16b5 )
ProjectSettingsPage: add title to layout (3f59bec )
Reaction: check current user reactions only (3c55747 )
RelativeTime: update relative time every 1 min (ac2deee )
remove ghost prop for form elements, #641 (e844f84 )
remove useState and useEffect from filters dropdowns (a340f1f )
seed: connect existing tags (c2c00cd )
smooth and right scroll to comments (62d6d30 )
StateDot styles ssr error (7587a68 )
TagsFilterDropdown: remove extra void in callback (6b217bd )
UserFilterDropdown: remove extra void in callback (19e4663 )
UserMenuItem: provide email for gravatar (7655f39 )
useUrlFilterParams: shallow eq for presets (7c31300 )
Revert "chore(Tag): title must be unique" (0feb6f8 )
Miscellaneous Chores
disable e2e in GH workflows (779ab4d )
drop other part of teams components (780901f )
drop team table (24bdf98 )
drop teams pages and components (feeff90 )
drop useless routes (57c4360 )
remove teams docs (3dca600 )
remove teams from gql resolvers (c20b735 )
remove teams support (2c3a212 )
replace teams explore with projects in Header menu (a734dcb )
You can’t perform that action at this time.