Hover is a floating notepad in your browser. It is also a half-finished experiment in spatial note-taking. You can install the Hover Chrome extension here.
Here's Hover in action on a Wikipedia page:
Key Features
- Launches on top of any webpage, slightly translucent so you can still read what's under the notepad
- Resize and move the notepad anywhere
- Whenever you select text on the webpage, it automatically copies the text to the notepad (after a slight pause) as "quoted text"
- Save! Right now this is client side only, and nothing is saved anywhere.
- Basic Windowing logic (right now hover just stacks one on top of another, without any limits)
- Resize and Moving is a bit buggy: I think most of this just needs to be rewritten (currently using interactjs.io)
I don't have time to work on this anymore but if anyone wants to take over, feel free to check out the open issues and submit a PR.
If you have any questions DM on Twitter!