Lepus Framework is an asynchronous REST API framework for Scala.
The Lepus Framework enables schema-driven development.
The back-end engineer simply writes the routing definition, and the front-end engineer can validate the API without waiting for the back-end process to complete. This is because OpenAPI documents can be generated from routing definitions built with the Lepus Framework and mock servers can be started.
Lepus Framework was created to understand the structure of the Play Framework, functional programming using the cats effect, and schema-driven development using tapir.
We have not checked or verified the operation in a production environment, so please do not use it in a production environment.
Lepus Framework was created to understand the structure of the Play Framework, functional programming using the cats effect, and schema-driven development using tapir.
This framework relies on several libraries (automatically installed by Lepus).
Coming soon...
Lepus Framework is not an official, publicly available plugin, but is privately maintained.
Therefore, S3 is used as maven. To use Lepus Framework plugins from s3, the following plugin must be configured under project/project/build.sbt of the project to be used.
※ Once officially released, the following settings will no longer be necessary.
in: project/project/build.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.frugalmechanic" % "fm-sbt-s3-resolver" % "0.20.0")
Add the following dependencies to plugins.sbt
in: project/plugins.sbt
ThisBuild / resolvers += "Lepus Maven" at "s3://com.github.takapi327.s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/lepus/"
addSbtPlugin("com.github.takapi327" % "sbt-plugin" % <version>)
Load the required project with build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
After setting up dependencies, develop with reference to the contents of Example.
The following is the minimum configuration for routing in the Lepus Framework.
package sample
import cats.effect.IO
import org.http4s.*
import org.http4s.dsl.io.*
import org.http4s.server.Router
import lepus.server.LepusApp
object HelloApp extends LepusApp[IO]:
override val routes = Router(
"/" -> HttpRoutes.of[IO] {
case GET -> Root / "hello" / name => Ok(s"Hello $name")
Currently, the advantages of using Lepus Router are negligible.
If Lepus Router is used in the future, we plan to improve it so that it can work with the OpenAPI specification.
package sample
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import org.http4s.dsl.io.*
import lepus.router.{ *, given }
import lepus.server.LepusApp
object HelloApp extends LepusApp[IO]:
override val routes = NonEmptyList.of(
"hello" / bindPath[String]("name") ->> RouterConstructor.of {
case GET => Ok(s"Hello ${summon[String]}")
You must set the path of the object that inherits LepusApp in application.conf.
※ We plan to eliminate the need for configuration in the near future.
lepus.server.routes = "sample.HelloApp"
Run the application in the background.
$ sbt background
To enable automatic compilation, run the ~background command.
$ sbt ~background
To stop an application started in the background, execute the stop command.
$ stop
Load the required project with build.sbt
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
Add the settings for OpenAPI document generation to the routing.
import cats.effect.*
import io.circe.*
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.*
import org.http4s.Status.*
import org.http4s.dsl.io.*
import lepus.router.{ *, given }
import lepus.core.generic.Schema
import lepus.core.generic.semiauto.*
import lepus.server.LepusApp
import lepus.swagger.*
import lepus.swagger.model.OpenApiResponse
case class Sample(info: String)
object Sample:
given Encoder[Sample] = deriveEncoder
given Schema[Sample] = deriveSchemer
object HelloRoute extends OpenApiConstructor[IO, String]:
override val summary = Some("Sample Paths")
override val description = Some("Sample Paths")
override def responses = {
case GET => List(
OpenApiResponse[Sample](NoContent, List.empty, "Sample information acquisition")
override val routes = {
case GET => Ok(s"Hello ${summon[String]}")
object HelloApp extends LepusApp[IO]:
override def routes = NonEmptyList.of(
"hello" / bindPath[String]("name") ->> HelloRoute
After running Compile, the generateApi command generates OpenApi documentation.
docs/OpenApi.yaml is generated directly under the root project.
$ sbt compile
$ sbt generateApi
Mock servers are started using libraries such as prism.
Settings must be made for each project.
Below is an example of starting a mock server in Docker using prism.
version: '3.9'
image: swaggerapi/swagger-editor
container_name: "swagger-editor"
- 8001:8080
image: swaggerapi/swagger-ui
container_name: "swagger-ui"
- 8002:8080
- ./OpenApi.yaml:/usr/share/nginx/html/OpenApi.yaml
API_URL: ./OpenApi.yaml
image: stoplight/prism:3
container_name: "swagger-api"
- 8003:4010
command: mock -h /OpenApi.yaml
- ./OpenApi.yaml:/OpenApi.yaml
Sample applications using Lepus Framework are available in this repository.
For a more detailed implementation, please refer to the sample application.