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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

⏫ pull: requires update
:arrow_double_up: pull: requires update
PR has requested changes that still need to be applied.
🎨 aspect: design
:art: aspect: design
Concerns end-users' interface
🍻 good first issue
:beers: good first issue
Good for newcomers
🟦 priority: none
:blue_square: priority: none
No priority, should only be performed when a developer is available
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
💡 enhancement
:bulb: enhancement
New feature or request
🏁 status: ready for dev
:checkered_flag: status: ready for dev
Ready for work
💻 aspect: code
:computer: aspect: code
Concerns the software code in the repository
🚧 status: blocked
:construction: status: blocked
Blocked and therefore not ready for work
⚙️ dependencies
:gear: dependencies
🟩 priority: low
:green_square: priority: low
Low priority and doesn't need to be rushed
⚒️ pull: work in progress
:hammer_and_pick: pull: work in progress
PR is still being worked on and is not ready for review.
🛠️ goal: fix
:hammer_and_wrench: goal: fix
Bug fix
🕹️ aspect: interface
:joystick: aspect: interface
Concerns end-users' experience with the software
🏷️ status: label work required
:label: status: label work required
Needs proper labelling before it can be worked on
🔍 pull: ready for review
:mag: pull: ready for review
PR is ready for maintainer review.
🚫 invalid
:no_entry_sign: invalid
This doesn't seem right
⛔ status: discarded
:no_entry: status: discarded
Will not be worked on
🙅 duplicate
:no_good: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
🙅 status: discontinued
:no_good: status: discontinued
Not suitable for work as repo is in maintenance
🟧 priority: high
:orange_square: priority: high
Stalls work on the project or its dependents
📄 aspect: text
:page_facing_up: aspect: text
Concerns the documentation material in the repository
📄 documentation
:page_facing_up: documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
📄 status: ticket work required
:page_facing_up: status: ticket work required
Needs more details before it can be worked on
✅ pull: accepted
✅ pull: accepted
🔍 pull: ready for review
🔍 pull: ready for review
❌ pull: rejected
❌ pull: rejected
❓ talk: question
:question: talk: question
Can be resolved with an answer
🟥 priority: critical
:red_square: priority: critical
Must be fixed ASAP
⛑️ help wanted
:rescue_worker_helmet: help wanted
Extra attention is needed