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A collection of scripts frequently used on mobile projects

Setup scripts

First install homebrew, ruby, and Xcode.

bundle exec setup will setup iOS, Android and React Native environments. If you only need a specific environment, setup android, setup ios, and setup react-native can be used individually.

Development scripts

React Native:

bundle exec clean tries to wipe the collection of caches in the react-native dev environment by:

  1. Reset watchman
  2. Remove anything prefixed with react- in the temp directory
  3. Remove ~/.babel.json
  4. Remove ~/.rncache
  5. Remove both ios and android build directories
  6. Remove the node_modules directory
  7. Clean the npm cache
  8. Run npm install, start the packager with the --reset-cache flag, and manually hit the packager url once it's running.

bundle exec start-dev is an attempt to simplify the multiple commands needed to start the app. It takes a platform and a virtual device name if android is specified:

  • start-dev ios
  • start-dev android Nexus5

It executes the following:

  • Fire up storybook first, with spawn to avoid it stealing your terminal
  • Briefly sleep so it's ready in time to attach itself to the socket before the packager is kicked off by the native app building
  • Start an emulator if one was specified
  • Run react-native run-[platform]
  • Open the storybook url in a browser