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Dimension Filters

Tony Drake edited this page Apr 5, 2017 · 1 revision

A dimension filter provides filtering for a report. In SQL-land, this is the WHERE clause.

Available dimension filters are defined on a FactModel. They can be implemented via a similar syntax to a Rails scope, link to the fact model's ActiveRecord model's scope, or delegate to ransack.

class TicketFactModel < ActiveReporting::FactModel
  dimension_filter :open
  dimension_filter :for_category_name, ->(x) { joins(:category).where(categories: {name: x}) }
  dimension_filter :subject_cont, :ransack

The first example exposes the scope to the fact model allowing it to be used as a dimension filter. The second example defines a lambda to be invoked like a Rails scope. It joins against the category relationship on Ticket and filters by the category's name. The third example defines a filter called "subject_cont" and will delegate it to ransack when called.

Only dimension filters defined in the fact model may be used. Whitelisting available filters allows for more control over what the user may filter by. Giving the user full control to call any scope or method from the ActiveRecord model could lead to unexpected results, poor performing queries, or possible security concerns.

If ransack is available, you may flag a fact model to delegate all unknown dimension filters to ransack.

class TicketFactModel < ActiveReporting::FactModel
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