*** X-Ray Creator ***
A console application that updates ASIN and creates or updates X-Ray files for books on a kindle
Created by S. Zarroug
Original X-Ray Builder script by Nick Niemi - [email protected]
Original X-Ray script by shinew
Original mobi2mobi and mobiconverter scripts by Jad
- Python 2.7
- BeautifulSoup4
- pip install beautifulsoup4
- http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/download/4.4/
Program usage:
python xraycreator.py start [-u] [-ua] [--spoilers]
Using only start or s will search the kindle for books without X-Ray Files,
update the books' ASIN then create an X-Ray file for it on the kindle.
-ua Deletes all X-Ray files and recreates them
-u Will give you a list of all books on kindle and asks you to
return a list of book numbers for the books you want to update
--spoilers Use descriptions that contain spoilers
Default behaviour is to use spoiler-free descriptions
*NOTE: You must have kindle connected before running program.
*NOTE: -ua will take precedence over -u
Books should be DRM-free. If you create an X-Ray file for a book, but still use the DRM copy on your Kindle, you will run into issues where the excerpts do not line up with where they are in the DRM-free version. Chapter detection on DRM books is not supported.
Will only work for mobi files.