This extension connects your CiviCRM to a HiOrg-Server instance.
- Synchronizes HiOrg-Server user data into CiviCRM contacts using the Extended Contact Matcher (XCM) extension for matching existing contacts
- Comes with some custom fields to synchronize HiOrg-Server-specific user
- Additional contact data
- Driving license information
- Membership data
- Utilizes the Entity Construction
Kit (ECK) extension for
providing CiviCRM entities to synchronize HiOrg-Server-specific data:
- Educations
- Qualifications
- Adds a relationship type for synchronizing HiOrg-Server group memberships in HiOrg-Server organisations
- Adds an activity type for synchronizing volunteer hours of HiOrg-Server users
- Utilizes the Identity Tracker extension for tracking HiOrg-Server user IDs on CiviCRM contacts
- Utilizes the Configuration Profiles extension for providing configurable synchronization profiles
- Provides an OAuth provider for authorizing against the HiOrg-Server API
The extension conects to the HiOrg-Server API using configurable profiles, which also hold configuration for synchronization with CiviCRM entities:
- OAuth Client ID - needs to be configured independently
- API Base URI - base URI of the HiOrg-Server API endpoints
- Organisation ID - CiviCRM organisation contact representing the organisation using the HiOrg-Server instance
- Extended Contact Matcher (XCM) profile - used for synchronization
This extension comes with a CiviCRM API (version 4) entity Hiorg
and the
following actions implementing corresponding HiOrg-Server API endpoints (see
their documentation):
Synchronization of all those data with CiviCRM data structures (contacts, ECK
entities, etc.) is also done via a CiviCRM API action,
called synchronizeContacts
, and another one called synchronizeVolunteerHours
for synchronizing Helferstunden records (volunteer hours) with CiviCRM