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A module for parameter estimation in partial differential equations (PDEs) using the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm.


  • python 3.x
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • tqdm>=4.29.0
  • matplotlib (plots only)
  • seaborn (plots only)
  • LaTeX (plots only)


The module consists of a constructor that prepares the data and the model to be fit, along with a series of routines to find the best fit parameters, compute likelihood profiles and perform bootstrapping, as well as visualising the results.

The PDEmodel object

The main component of the module, it is initialised as

import PDEparams as pde

my_object = pde.PDEmodel(data, model, initfunc, bounds, param_names=None, nvars=1,
                         ndims=1, nreplicates=1, obsidx=None, outfunc=None)

Required arguments

1. data

The data is assumed to be in the form of a pandas DataFrame. You can construct a DataFrame directly from file as, e.g.,

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('data_file.csv')

# or
data = pd.read_excel('data_file.xlsx')

Refer to the pandas documentation for details. Another, not recommended, way of constructing the DataFrame is to manually input the values:

data_values = [[t0, x0, f(t0,x0)], [t0, x1, f(t0,x1)], ..., [t1, x0, f(t1,x0)], [t1, x1, f(t1,x1)], ...]

data = pd.DataFrame(data_values)

The data should be structured so that the first column corresponds to the timepoints, followed by the spatial coordinates and the outputs. For instance, the data for a two-dimensional system with coordinates (x, y) and two variables, f and g, will have the form


* Note the order in which the spatial coordinates are entered in the data. The index of the right-most coordinate runs first; e.g., for a 3D system, after (x_0, y_0, z_0), (x_0, y_0, z_1) should follow.
** The name of the columns is not important, the dimensionality of the system is defined by the user with the arguments noutputs and ndims (see below).

If more than one measurement per space-time coordinate exists, they should be entered consecutively, as in


We refer to these as ‘replicates’. The number of replicates is controlled by the parameter nreplicates (see below). If you have one data file per replicate—let us say 3 different .csv files—you can merge them with

data_1 = pd.read_csv('data_1.csv')
data_2 = pd.read_csv('data_2.csv')
data_3 = pd.read_csv('data_3.csv')

data = data_1.append([data_2, data_3], ignore_index=False).sort_index().reset_index(drop=True)

This will result in a DataFrame where the first 3 rows correspond to the first row of each of the data files, and so on, as in the picture above.

2. model

This is the PDE or system of PDEs that fits the data. It should be defined as a function of the initial condition, the time domain, the spatial grid, and the parameters to be estimated, and it should return the time derivative of the variables in the system. It would look like this:

def my_pde(initial_condition, time_domain, spatial_grid, parameter_1, parameter_2, ...):

  variables = ... # preprocessing of initial condition

  dobs_dt = ... # the equation for the time derivative

  dobs_dt[boundaries] = ... # boundary conditions

  output = ... # postprocessing of dobs_dt

  return output

The preprocessing step mentioned above corresponds to retrieving the actual shape of the system given the input: the integration is handled using scipy’s odeint, which only accepts one-dimensional inputs. If we imagine a system of 2 equations in 1 spatial dimension, we need to feed the initial condition for both variables as one long array, instead of two arrays. The preprocessing step then retrieves these two original arrays; after the time derivative is calculated for both variables, the postprocessing converts the two derivatives into one long derivative. While more convoluted, the idea is the same for a larger number of spatial dimensions.

The module takes care of feeding the model the correct one-dimensional input regardless of the actual dimensionality of the problem. The preprocessing inside the model needs to be hardcoded, but full illustrations appear in the examples directory.

Note that the module also works for ODEs—see details below and in the examples directory. In this case, the definition of the system should not include the spatial_grid argument.

3. initfunc

This is the initial condition generator. Each of the variables in the system will have an initial condition that is a function of the spatial grid, as in

def initial_f(grid_point):

def initial_g(grid_point):

initfunc should be a list comprising those functions:

initfunc = [initial_f, initial_g]

See more details in the examples directory.

For ODEs, the initial condition should still be defined as a function for each of the variables in the system.

4. bounds

The optimisation performed by DE is constrained and, therefore, bounds for the parameter values must be provided. These should be in the form of a tuple of tuples or list of tuples.

bounds = ((lower_1, upper_1), (lower_2, upper_2) ...)

# or
bounds = [(lower_1, upper_1), (lower_2, upper_2) ...]

Optional arguments

1. param_names

List of parameter names, for use in plots and output tables. If not specified, they will be called 'parameter_1', 'parameter_2', etc.

2. nvars

The number of variables in the system of equations. If not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

3. ndims

The number of spatial coordinates in the data—ndims=0 for ODEs. If not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

4. nreplicates

The number of measurements per space-time coordinate in the data. If not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

5. obsidx

In the case when not all variables in the system are actually observed, we need to specify for which of them we have data. obsidx is a list of indices, starting from zero, corresponding to the position of the observed variables in the model we have defined. For instance, if we have a three-dimensional state vector with data for the second and third variables, we should pass


If only one variable is observed, obsidx can be either an integer or a list of one integer. In the case above, if we now have data only for the third variable:


# or

obsidx defaults to None, meaning that all variables are measured.

6. outfunc

Sometimes we do not have data for the raw variables in the system but rather a function of them. This is specified by outfunc, which defaults to None, meaning we have data for the raw outputs. For instance, if we can only measure the square of the third variable in a three-dimensional system, we should define

def outfunc(state_vector):
  x, y, z = state_vector

  return z**2

and pass this argument to the PDEmodel constructor.

Note that, if outfunc is specified, the argument obsidx is overridden. The function is always a function of the full state vector, even if the actual measured quantity only involves a few of the variables, as shown above.

Functions and attributes

Upon construction, the initial condition functions are applied to the spatial grid and stored in the attribute initial_condition—for the example above, this can be retrieved by calling my_object.initial_condition. As a sanity check, it may be helpful to plot this initial condition; this is not part of the module, but the examples directory contains some visualisation code.

Additionally, the time-step between the first and second datapoints is obtained, and an array of timepoints is constructed starting from t=0 and ending at the first datapoint, using this time-step. This is prepended to the timepoints in the data and stored as the attribute time.

Other attributes include: - model - data - nvars - spacedims: the value of ndims in the input - nparams: the number of parameters

  • space: the spatial grid

Finding the best fit

The optimisation is carried out by calling

If no argument is given, the cost function to minimise will be the mean squared error. For other cost functions, you need to provide the error argument; for instance, for the root mean squared error:'rmse')

Possible choices for error are:

  • 'mse': mean squared error
  • 'rmse': root mean squared error
  • 'msle': mean squared logarithmic error
  • 'rmsle': root mean squared logarithmic error
  • 'mae': mean absolute error
  • 'medae': median absolute error

The results are displayed on screen and stored in the attribute best_params, while the optimum value of the cost function is stored in the attribute best_error.

Computing likelihood profiles

Likelihood profiles are computed for each parameter by fixing its value and refitting the rest of the parameters. This is done using


A list of parameter values to try can be explicitly given for each parameter in the model, using the optional argument param_values—this should be a list of lists or a list of arrays, and its size must coincide with the number of parameters. For instance, in oder to use the values [1,2,3] for the first and [4,5,6] for the second parameter in a model with two parameters, use

my_object.likelihood_profiles(param_values=[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])

If no explicit values are provided, the likelihood profiles will be computed using a regular grid within the parameter bounds for each parameter. There is a second optional argument, npoints, that controls the number of points to use in the grid. If no argument is given, a regular grid of 100 points will be used per parameter. For, e.g., 250 points per parameter, use


The full results are stored as a DataFrame in the form


and can be retrieved with my_object.likelihood_profiles

For a quick look at the profiles, use


You should see something like this:


If the best fit parameters have already been obtained via the fit() function, the cost function to be used for the likelihood profiles will match the original cost function—additionally, the best fit parameters will be highlighted in the plots. If not, the likelihood profiles will be computed with the default mean squared error.

Bootstrapping (only for nreplicates>1)

Bootstrapping is carried out by randomly choosing one replicate per spatio-temporal coordinate and refitting all parameters in multiple rounds. Done using


If no argument is given, the process is repeated 100 times. For other configurations, use the optional nruns argument; e.g.,


A summary of the results is displayed on screen and stored as a DataFrame in the attribute bootstrap_summary, while the full results are stored as a DataFrame in the attribute bootstrap_raw. Respectively,





For a quick look at the results, use


You should see something like this:


If the best fit parameters have already been obtained via the fit() function, the cost function to be used for bootstrapping will match the original cost function—additionally, the best fit parameters will be highlighted in the plots. If not, the default mean squared error will be used.


R. Storn, and K. Price. “Differential evolution–a simple and efficient heuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces”, Journal of Global Optimization 11(4), pp. 341-359 (1997).

A. Raue, C. Kreutz, T. Maiwald, J. Bachmann, M. Schilling, U. Klingmüller, and J. Timmer. “Structural and practical identifiability analysis of partially observed dynamical models by exploiting the profile likelihood”, Bioinformatics 25(15), pp. 1923-1929 (2009).


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